Artist Classification of Music

When you hear a new song by an artist you're familar with, how long does it take for you to recognize the artist? What if the artist has changed their style completely, or switched producers, or has aged 15 years?

We are interested the Artist ID problem for a number of reasons, but mostly because it seems to hold the key to many computational music perception problems. If a system can reliably identify the artist of a song it hasn't heard yet, then the learning algorithm and feature space can be bootstrapped into performing more applicable Music-IR tasks such as genre/style ID, robust song ID, segmentation, summarization, etc. We have found artist ID to be hard but not impossible, and enormously dependent on a good time-aware learning algorithm with some musical knowledge.

(Feel free to contact me (bwhitman@media) with any questions)

***Dataset will be provided soon***

Feature Extraction

We provide three sets of audio-derived features for this music understanding task:

Dataset Information

Our featureset has been extracted from the NECI Minnowmatch Testbed, a set of roughly 10,000 songs from the 1,000 most popular albums on the OpenNap peer-to-peer network in August, 2001. (The albums were purchased, not downloaded. We can't distribute the source files, sorry.) Because of the popularity constraint, the songs from this collection stay mostly within the pop and rock genres.

Dataset Labelling and Use

We are providing data for each song in a .MAT matlab file. The .MAT file will be named like so:
Artist##Album##Track_Number##Song_Title##(Disc hash or other information).mp3.mat
This is the only encoding of per-song textual metadata. By using a command in Matlab like:
 arto = load('Arto_Lindsay##Noon_Chill##13##Reentry##NO.mp3.mat');
You'll get back a struct containing the following fields:
arto.PSD: the 10 x 513 vector of PSD information
arto.cep: the  n x 13 vector of MFCC coefficients
arto.Path: the 1 x n path of HMM states
Now you're free to do what you like with each vector.




Brian Whitman -