Holographic Imaging

Spring 2002

Laboratory notebook guidelines

(Printable PDF version here)


For the price of a citation, scientists gain the use of the experience, knowledge and observations of their predecessors. The scientific method only works, though, when people share their ideas in a way that others in turn can learn and benefit. The most obvious form of this sharing is a published paper, which transforms the work of one into a resource for many. After this course has taught you the basics of holography and laboratory technique, you'll have a chance to do a project where you could do your own independent research from which publication could result. However, we do not require (or even expect) that your final project be so ambitious a task. Rather, our emphasis is more upon good documentation of observations, procedures, and results that can be used you and perhaps others as the record and proof of old ideas and as the basis of new ones.

The laboratory notebook is the primary tool of scientific documentation. There are many different philosophies of lab notebooks. Many of you had to write up labs in high school: they were very scripted and formal and neat. They taught you want should be in a lab report, but they didn't give very valid insight into how scientists really work. The experimental method isn't about not making mistakes or following an exact form. It's about documentation: explaining what you're trying to do, outlining (and drawing) how you're going to do it, recording your observations, hypothesizing what they might mean, working out your calculations in a way that you can spot mistakes, and so on. It's your proof of what you've done, both for yourself and for the world. The ability to create a good lab notebook is one of the most important and useful laboratory skills you can develop; we will help develop this skill during the course and the quality of your notebook will factor significantly in the laboratory portion of your grade.

A well-maintained lab notebook is important and useful for several reasons:

The lab notebook that you assemble for this class may be the first one you've ever needed to use, but chances are it will not be your last. Most industrial and research scientific laboratories require notebooks to be kept, and in fact consider them to be the property of the company or institute. Develop good documentation skills in class and you'll be better prepared for the corporate lab environment. Although lab notebooks are not as accepted in the world of computer software engineering, they offer a convenient way to organize your thoughts on software and algorithm design.

Formatting details

We want your laboratory notebook to be as close to an "industrial" lab book as possible. That's different from the lab reports you wrote up in high school. Here are some formatting recommendations. recommendations for lab books for MAS.450:

If you have any other questions about lab notebooks, please ask your TA or one of the instructors.