Holographic Imaging

Spring 2002


Reading material

This page contains a complete list of reading material for MAS450, including draft chapters of Prof. Benton's book draft, class notes, and other information. This material can also be found on the course calendar.


Reading List for the course

Course notes chapters (no longer available)

Other reading material:

Calculating spatial frequency (Sept. 18, 1998)

Holographic photochemistry: basic process (Sept. 21, 1998)

Astigmatism model (October 6, 1998)

Transmission hologram equations (October 6, 1998)

Holographic photochemistry, a summary (October 8, 1998)

Electron micrographs of hologram cross sections (fr. Akagi et. al.) (October 8, 1998)

A catalog of sources (October 15, 1998)

Measuring angles and radii of curvature (October 19, 1998)


Notes on Off-Axis Reflection Holography (three pages):

Reflection ray-tracing

Reflection holography: Off-axis reflection holography

Reflection holography: Calculation pseudocode