First Class – Bonsen’s Intro & Overview & DeVaul & Sung’s Demos (see photos below) – 14 February 2003
Second Class – Eagle’s Reality Mining & Participant Experiment Proposals – 21 February 2003
Third Class – Pentland’s Digital Anthropology vision, Chowdhury’s SociometerShortcuts & Bove’s Object-Media – 28 February 2003
Fourth Class – Participant Project Proposals & Borovoy’s ThinkingTags / MemeTags / nTAGS – 7 March 2003
Fifth Class – Participant Project Updates & Sung’s Biometric Capture Item & Bender’s Electronic Publishing & Information:Organized efforts – 14 March 2003
Sixth Class – van Maanen’s Analog Anthropology – 4 April 2003
Seventh Class – Cummings’ PDA as Research Tool & NetVis – 11 April 2003
Student & Guest Participants
Instructor: sandy@media.mit.edu ~ TAs: jpbonsen@media.mit.edu, rich@media.mit.edu, nathan@media.mit.edu, msung@media.mit.edu
MAS.966J / 15.970J Digital Anthropology : Technology Testbeds, Sociometrics, & Predictive Microcosms
Photos from Class Sessions
Students signing COUHES informed consent forms for the Reality Mining project & a stack of wearable Zauri PDAs with headsets
Jordan Gilliland of the Paperless Classroom project creating the digital signup sheet & digitally recording student introductions all around
Rich DeVaul demonstrating the MIThril wearable computer & component elements
Rich DeVaul comparing the benefits & limitations of our suite of wearables: the Sociometer ~ the Zauri ~ MIThril ~ various smartbadges
Mike Sung demonstrating a wearable biometric capture, telemetry, & visualization systems
Example wearable cameras, digital namebadges, voice recorders & the Zauri
Eagle wearing a JABRA Bluetooth
wireless mic describes his Reality
Mining project & participants updating their Zauri
Federica Busa expresses
skepticism about Eagle’s Reality Mining initiative
Lionel Asseraf asks presentor Michael
Osofsky for clarification on his group-creativity project proposal
Juan Carlo Barahona & Leo Villarreal describe
their psychoanalysis & sociorobotics project proposals
Michael Schrage asks Tim
Panagos about his transcription project proposal
Bove describes several of his Object Media group projects
Tanzeem Choudhury describes her Shortcuts project using
Sociometers & Andrea Lockerd
asks for clarification
Borovoy discussing his ThinkingTag & MemeTag projects & showing off
his new nTAGs
Showing how two nTAGs send IR infrared signals to each other
Our Digital Anthropology class is controversial enough to provoke the slasher elements of society
Mike Sung discussing the
evolution of wearables & highlights the bio & psychometric-capture
instrumentation specifically
Mike Sung highlights the Hoarder
Board and how it connects with Zauri
Lionel Asseraf proposes using
Zauri to provide participant feedback in Sloan classrooms; Sandy Pentland
illustrates how to capture such feedback
Walter Bender discusses his and
Pascal Chesnais’s experience with Project Canard, an experiment in social
Participants hashing out project details
Remote controlled classroom video camera
& new architecture studio space
Aero/Astro groupspace & digital wall
Ultra-reconfigurable space with everything
on wheels, plugs everywher, wide open spaces, and all-rugged
Aero/Astro presentation room & student
feedback system
Individual student answers clicked,
aggregated, and visualized for fast faculty feedback
Mike Sung demonstrating his
wearable biometrics rig
Nathan Eagle & Tanzeem
Choudhury wear minimalist ear & neck sociometric devices; Chris Elledge
demonstrates MITThril
Jacky Mallet’s EyeSociety
autonomous robotic mobile cameras
Mark Williamson interacts with
the iCom
social communication portal in the Object-Based Media group
The Grassroots Invention Group prototypes