Syllabus & Overview


First Class – Bonsen’s Intro & Overview & DeVaul & Sung’s Demos (see photos below) – 14 February 2003

Second Class – Eagle’s Reality Mining & Participant Experiment Proposals – 21 February 2003

Third Class – Pentland’s Digital Anthropology vision, Chowdhury’s SociometerShortcuts & Bove’s Object-Media – 28 February 2003

Fourth Class – Participant Project Proposals & Borovoy’s ThinkingTags / MemeTags / nTAGS – 7 March 2003

Fifth Class – Participant Project Updates & Sung’s Biometric Capture Item & Bender’s Electronic Publishing & Information:Organized efforts – 14 March 2003


Sixth Class – van Maanen’s Analog Anthropology – 4 April 2003

Seventh Class – Cummings’ PDA as Research Tool & NetVis – 11 April 2003


Student & Guest Participants

Instructor: ~ TAs:,,,


Class & Case Example Photos Below!






MAS.966J / 15.970J Digital Anthropology : Technology Testbeds, Sociometrics, & Predictive Microcosms


Photos from Class Sessions



Students signing COUHES informed consent forms for the Reality Mining project & a stack of wearable Zauri PDAs with headsets



Jordan Gilliland of the Paperless Classroom project creating the digital signup sheet & digitally recording student introductions all around



Rich DeVaul demonstrating the MIThril wearable computer & component elements



Rich DeVaul comparing the benefits & limitations of our suite of wearables: the Sociometer ~ the Zauri ~ MIThril ~ various smartbadges



Mike Sung demonstrating a wearable biometric capture, telemetry, & visualization systems



Example wearable cameras, digital namebadges, voice recorders & the Zauri


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Nathan Eagle wearing a JABRA Bluetooth wireless mic describes his Reality Mining project & participants updating their Zauri


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Federica Busa expresses skepticism about Eagle’s Reality Mining initiative


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Lionel Asseraf asks presentor Michael Osofsky for clarification on his group-creativity project proposal


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Juan Carlo Barahona & Leo Villarreal describe their psychoanalysis & sociorobotics project proposals


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Michael Schrage asks Tim Panagos about his transcription project proposal


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Mike Bove describes several of his Object Media group projects


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Tanzeem Choudhury describes her Shortcuts project using Sociometers & Andrea Lockerd asks for clarification


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Rick Borovoy discussing his ThinkingTag & MemeTag projects & showing off his new nTAGs


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Showing how two nTAGs send IR infrared signals to each other



Our Digital Anthropology class is controversial enough to provoke the slasher elements of society


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Mike Sung discussing the evolution of wearables & highlights the bio & psychometric-capture instrumentation specifically


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Mike Sung highlights the Hoarder Board and how it connects with Zauri


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Lionel Asseraf proposes using Zauri to provide participant feedback in Sloan classrooms; Sandy Pentland illustrates how to capture such feedback


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Walter Bender discusses his and Pascal Chesnais’s experience with Project Canard, an experiment in social constructionism


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Participants hashing out project details



Photos from Technology Testbeds throughout MIT


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Remote controlled classroom video camera & new architecture studio space


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Aero/Astro groupspace & digital wall configuration


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Ultra-reconfigurable space with everything on wheels, plugs everywher, wide open spaces, and all-rugged


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Aero/Astro presentation room & student feedback system


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Individual student answers clicked, aggregated, and visualized for fast faculty feedback


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Mike Sung demonstrating his wearable biometrics rig


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Nathan Eagle & Tanzeem Choudhury wear minimalist ear & neck sociometric devices; Chris Elledge demonstrates MITThril


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Jacky Mallet’s EyeSociety autonomous robotic mobile cameras


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Mark Williamson interacts with the iCom social communication portal in the Object-Based Media group



The Grassroots Invention Group prototypes