MAS111: Introduction to Research in Media Arts and Sciences

Fridays, 3-5pm, E14-525

V. Michael Bove, Jr., E15-448, x3-0334, vmb (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu

Where possible, handouts will be linked to this page, but a few may unfortunately be available only in paper form. If you miss class, you can pick these up from Michael Bove's office, or in class the following week.

4 February: Research

11 February: Ethics

18 February: IP

25 February: Resources

4 March: What's "peer review," anyway?

11 March: What the Web means to all this

18 March

25 March

1 April: How does this stuff get paid for?

8 April: Demoing and presenting

15 April

22 April

29 April

6 May