MAS S60: Hands-on Foundations in Media Technology
Chief Facilitator: Henry Holtzman
Coordinators: Mike Bove, Joe Paradiso, Kent Larson
Meets WF10 -12 in E14-525 and additionally as needed by arrangement
This fall we are introducing a new series of modular classes designed to provide basic, hands-on, foundations in the skills needed to perform research at the Media Lab. The pace will be rapid and the topics covered extensive. The goal is to introduce participants to the technology toolsets and research techniques used broadly at the Media Lab.
For the fall term there will be 4 modular sections. Participants may enroll in any number of modules from 1 to 4 , and will work to receive 3 unit-hours worth of credit for each module enrolled, up to 12 units total.
An overview and information session will be held on 9/5 at 10a in E14-525. Please try and attend if you plan on participating in any of the modules.
Instructors: Mark Feldmeier (primary), Brian Mayton, others TBA
Sessions: 6
Dates: Fri 9/7, Wed 9/12, Fri 9/14, Wed 9/19, Wed 9/26, Fri 9/28
Topics: Electronics (Analog & Digital, Circuit Design, Circuit Fabrication), Hardware Programming (Arduino, AVR)
Instructors: Mark Feldmeier (primary), Brian Mayton, others TBA
Sessions: 5
Dates: Wed 10/3, Fri 10/5, Wed 10/10, Fri 10/12, Wed 10/17
Topics: Sensors (survey of types & uses: RFID, FC, accelerometers, etc.), Wireless (use of, technology options), Open Sensing Frameworks (e.g. FunF), Electro-mechanical systems
Instructors: Santiago Alfaro, John DiFrancesco, others TBA
Sessions: 6
Dates: Fri 10/19, Fri 10/26, Wed 10/31, Fri 11/2, Wed 11/7, Fri 11/9
Topics: Hardware Fabrication Tools (laser/water jet cutter/3D printer); Software Tools (2-D and 3-D CAD); Materials, Molding and Casting; Industrial Design, Product Design, Mass Customization, and Design for Production
Instructors: TBA
Sessions: 7
Dates: Wed 11/14, Fri 11/16, Wed 11/28, Fri 11/30, Wed 12/5, Fri 12/7, Wed 12/12
Topics: Mobile Platforms (Android, iOS, PhoneGap) and Interfaces; Web Platforms (e.g. Django, Rails, Node.JS) and Interfaces (e.g. Javascript, JQuery, BackBone); Databases (SQL, NoSQL, Cloud); Procedural Graphics (e.g. Processing)
The curriculum for the spring term is still being developed, but to give a hint at what is being considered, here are some of the topic ideas being discussed:
How to design a good user study; Experiment design, # of subjects, length, etc.; Designing surveys and interviews for qualitative study; IRB and what triggers it; Ethnographic studies.
Storyboarding, lighting, shooting, editing, audio; 3d modeling, 3d animation, rendering; bluescreening, advanced editing, after effects