The great MAS111: Introduction to Research in Media Arts and Sciences scavenger hunt

Fridays, 3-5pm, E14-525

V. Michael Bove, Jr., E15-448, x3-0334, vmb (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu

Patsy Baudoin, 14S-230, x3-4979, patsy (at) mit (dot) edu

This syllabus will be updated from time to time throughout the term so please check back regularly!

10 February: Research

17 February: IP

24 February: Ethics in research

2 March: Resources

9 March: What's "peer review," anyway?

16 March: What the Web means to all this

23 March

30 March

6 April: How does this stuff get paid for?

13 April: Demoing and presenting

20 April

27 April

4 May

11 May