How to Get Started with Mosaic

Mosaic is a program that lets you browse the World Wide Web (WWW). It supersedes Gopher and FTP. We'll be using it for the course, and I bet you'll enjoy using it if you haven't already.

On Athena:

add sipb
mosaic &

On most UNIX boxes (and in Media Lab):

mosaic &
A lovely grayish window should open. The info you see is the computer system's "home page." If there's no specified home page in the system, you'll see NCSA's home page. They wrote Mosaic. If you run it from your new MAS 134 account, you'll see the course home page.

Anything that's underlined (and sometimes in blue or bold) is a link to some other page of info on the web. Click your Left mouse button on it to go there. (On the MAS 134 home page, this info is under the "Introduction to Mosaic" link.)

The little globe should spin while it's downloading info. If things seem to be taking forever, you can click on that globe button (Left mouse) to cancel the download.

Back and Forward move you between web pages that you've previously accessed. Another way to do that is with the History option in the Navigate menu.

The hotlist is a way to build up a list of your favorite sites. Please note that I'm interested in designing alternative navigational aids to the hotlist, so if you have any ideas, let me know!

Every page has its own URL (Universal Resource Locator). If you know a URL you'd like to see (like below), hit the Open button (or type "o") and type it in.

Also you can see some interesting pages by looking up "What's New" under the Help menu. (It might be under a different menu on Athena.) Also "Internet Starting Points."

Use the "View Source" option under the File menu to see the HTML of a page. (9/8/94)