Reading List

Pieces are ordered as they are in the handed out packet.

Leacock, Richard, "Technology and Reality at the Movies". Reprinted from
Technology Review, Volume 75, No. 4, February, 1973.

Geertz, Clifford. Local Knowledge, Further Essays in Interpretive
Anthropology, Chapter 5, Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, New York.

Thompson, Roy. Grammar of the Edit, pp. 42-65, Focal Press.

Winston, Patrick Henry. Artificial Intelligence.  Chapter 8, "Representing
Commonsense Knowledge".  Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Thorndyke, Perry W. "Cognitive Structures in Comprehension and Memory of
Narrative Discourse". Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 9, 77-110, 1977.

Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. Metaphors We Live By, Chapters 1-5, The
University of Chicago Press, 1980.

Guha, R.V. and Douglas B. Lenat. "Enabling Agents to Work Together".
Communications of the ACM, July, 1994, Vol. 34, No.7.

Selfridge, Mallory. "Computer Model of the Development of Language
Comprehension in a Young Child".  Chapter 11 from: Strategies for Natural
Language Processing. Wendy G. Lenhart and Martin H. Ringle, Eds.  Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1982.

Meehan, James. " Tale-Spin". Chapter 9 of: Inside Computer Understanding:
Five Programs Plus Miniatures.  Roger C. Shank and Christopher K. Resnick,
Eds. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1981.

Sack, Warren and Marc Davis. "IDIC: Assembling Video Sequences from Story
Plans and Content Annotations". Proceedings of IEEE International
Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, May 14-19, 1994, Boston,

Feldman, Uri, Nathaniel Jacobson, and Walter Bender. "Quantifying the
experience of Color". Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 1913, February, 1993.

Orwant, Jon L. "The Doppelganger User Modeling System". 1991 Workshop on
Modeling for Intelligent Interaction.

Teodosio, Laura and Walter Bender. "Salient Video Stills: Content and
Context Preserved".  Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference, Anaheim,
CA, August, 1993.

Kozloff, Sarah. "Narrative Theory and Television". Chapter 2 from Channels
of Discourse. Robert C. Allen, Ed., The University of North Carolina Press.

Heider, Karl G. " 'Truth' in Film and Ethnography".  Perspectives on Film,
No. 2 August, 1979.

Bringhurst, Robert. The Elements of Typographic Style. Foreword and
Chapters 1-3, Hartley and Marks Publishers.

Tufte, Edward.  Envisioning Information. Chapter 6, "Narratives of Space
and Time".

Laurel, Brenda.  "A Taxonomy of Interactive Movies".  New Media News, Vol.
3, No.1, Winter, 1989.

Burch, Noel. Theory of Film Practice. Foreword and Chapters 1-3, Princeton
University Press, 1969.

Hochberg, Julian and Virginia Brooks.  "The Perception of Motion Pictures".
Handbook of Perception, Vol. X, Academic Press, 1978.

Glossary of Shot Descriptions

McCoy, Katherine. "American Graphic Design Expression".  Design Quarterly,
Vol. 148, 1990.

Bonsiep, Gui. "A Method Quantifying Order in Typographic Design".  The
Journal Of Typographic Research, Vol. II, No. 3.

Itten, Johannes. The Art of Color: The Subjective Experience and Objective
Rationale of Color. Translated by Ernst van Haagen, Van Nostrand Reinhold

Davenport, Glorianna, Ryan Evans and Mark Halliday. "Orchestrating Digital
Micromovies". Leonardo, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 283-288, 1993.

Abramson, Nathan and Walter Bender. "Content-sensitive multimedia".
Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 1785, September, 1992.

O'Connell, P.J.  Robert Drew and the Development of Cinema Verite in
America. Chapter 11, Southern Illinois University Press.

Handed out separately:

Bordwell, D. and Thompson, K.  Film Art: an introduction, 3rd edition. 
Chaps 2, 3, 5.