The Process of the LSC Experience

The Lecture Series Committee (LSC) at MIT shows popular movies on weekends for students.

Before we shot any of our footage for our process we were thinking about parallel processes. We talked to some of the administrative folks at LSC and knew that there were several "streams" of action which happened simultainiously. On the evening of the movie we decided to divide the shooting into 3 groups: the projection booth, refreshments, and administrative/ticketing. We had one camera per group and switched off during the night so that we let each of us have a turn with each group.

We had initially discussed the possibility of browsing from a particular indiviual's perspective. For instance, it seemed interesting to be able to browse a process like LSC from the perspective of a typical movie go'er or from the LSC directors point of view. Each particular pespective could act as an initial filter to organize information. This initial idea about individual perspective became an important part of our browser. In addition to being able to follow a person we were also interested in following all the events which happened in the same place or at the same time. We wanted the user to interact with the browser as it told told a story. If the user didn't interact at all with the system it would tell the story of a single group at LSC (i.e. projection, refreshments, etc.) If, however, the user sees a person or place that interests him he could switch to a different stream.

On to the Stills.