Puppeteer Process Definition

For our process, Rich and I have chosen to document a puppeteer named Igor Fokin from St. Petersburg, Russia. He uses hand-made wooden marionettes to entertain children (and adults) in Harvard Square. He performs under the name "Wooden Horse Puppet Theatre," and has been in the U.S. for a mere 5 months.

Aspects of the process that are particularly important will probably be able to be broken down into 3 parts:

The Man
His history, where, when and why he started puppeteering, when he came to the US and why... why he enjoys what he does.

The Puppets
Who makes them, and how are they made. What do they mean to him? What makes each one special/unique. How do they contribute to the magic of his performace.

The Performance
How does he prepare for a show? Does he have pre-rehearsed routines, or does he improvise? What does he get from the children -- how much does the audience affect the show? What about the music he performs to? Where did it come from? Are the stories he tells his own, or folk tales?
We hope to capture a lot of footage of his puppets and his setup, as well as the entire performance. We also hope to interview the man, probably over coffee or something. There's excellent potential for a salient still involving the man and a puppet interacting with a child as a focal point, zooming out to include the entire scene -- harvard square, traffic, other kids and performers, etc.... his show is beautiful and will make great subject matter for a browsable documentary, too.

On to the Stills.