Students are expected to work in groups on a design project or evaluation project related to the Virtual Fishtank.
Each group is expected to make a presentation about their project. The presentations will probably take place during class on May 8 and 15 (but we might need to meet during some non-class time). In addition, each individual is expected to hand in a separate written report. Groups can decide to divide up their projects so that each group member writes about a different aspect of the project (so each member does not necessarily need to write about the "whole project").
For groups working on design projects, reports should include not only a description of the design but also: discussion of the design process (including false starts, dead ends, etc.), justications for the design choices, sample scenarios of visitor use, analysis of what visitors would learn.
For groups working on evaluation projects, reports should include: description of user testing, analysis of what aspects of the current design didn't work well (and why), analysis of what aspects of the current design did work well (and why), suggestions for improvements in the design.