if breed = frogs
ask-frogs list
Ask all the turtles whose breed is frog to do list.
or: if breed = frogs list
breed-of id-number
breed-at xcor ycor
Reports the breed of the turtle.
count-frogs-with list
Reports the number of frogs.
count-frogs-with counts the number of frogs with list where
list is true.
create-frogs number
Creates number new frogs.
Returns a random frog turtle#.
Returns a random frog on your spot.
one-of-frogs-at xcor ycor
Reports the turtle# of a frog at xcor, ycor. If no turtle, returns -1.
one-of-frogs-at dx dy
Reports the turtle# of a frog at dx,dy. if no turtle, returns -1.
one-of-frogs-with ilist
Returns a frog turtle# where ilist is true. If no turtle, returns -1.
who-max-of-frogs list
who-max-of-frogs-with list1 list2
Reports who of frogs with max value of list. If none, it reports -1.
who-min-of-frogs ilist
Reports the turtle# who has the minimum value of ilist over all frogs.