Reports a number between 0 and 100, indicating the brightness of the camera used
with the click command.
Initializes QuickTime-compatible camera plugged into computer. (Camera can be
used to import images into StarLogo patches. See click.)
camera-click patch-variable
Grabs an image from QuickTime-compatible camera and puts a gray-scale version
of the image in given patch-variable. If image is larger than the screen size,
takes the middle of the image. (You must initialize the camera with camera-init.)
camera-set-brightness number
Sets the brightness of the camera used with the click command. The input number
must be between 0 and 100.
Stops recording a StarLogo movie and saves it. The movie is created in PICS format.
Captures another frame in the current movie. See setup-movie.
open-movie file-name
Sets up for StarLogo to create a new movie called file-name. The movie is created
in PICS format.
setup-movie "ants
(Sets up a movie called ants.)