Reports the current directory that the starlogo application is in.
Reports the directory that the current project is in. If there is no
named project then it returns false.
Reports the current project file name. (without the pathname).
If there is no named project, then it returns false.
Saves the current project to the file. Equivalent to doing command-s or
hitting the save project menu item.
Pops up a dialog and lets the user pick a directory. It returns
the directory that the user picked, or false if he hit the cancel button.
Pops up a dialog and lets the user pick a file. It returns
the file (full pathname) that the user picked, or false if he hit the
cancel button.
Pops up a dialog and lets the user create a new file name. It returns
the filename (full pathname) that the user picked, or false if he hit the
cancel button.
export-turtles filename
Saves the turtles to a file.
export-patches filename
Saves the patches to a file.
export-turtles-and-patches filename
Saves the turtles and the patches to a file.
Loads turtles from a file. Lets the user pick the file from a file dialog.
Loads patches from a file. Lets the user pick the file from a file dialog.
Loads turtles and patches from a file. Lets the user pick the file from a
file dialog.