butfirst, bf list
Reports the value of list with its first element removed.
butlast, bl list
Reports the value of list with its last element removed.
empty? list
Reports true if list is the empty list; false otherwise.
first list
Reports the first element of list.
fput item list
(first put)
Reports the value of list with item inserted as its first element.
item item-number list
Reports item item-number of list. Note that numbering of list items starts at 0, not 1.
last list
Reports the last item of list.
length list
Reports the length of list.
list item1 item2
Reports a new list with item1 as its first element, item2 as its second element.
list? thing
Reports true if thing is a list; false otherwise.
lput item list
(last put)
Reports the value of list with item inserted as its last element.
member? item list
Reports true if item is an element of list; false otherwise.
position item list
Reports the first position of item in the list; if item is not in
the list, reports false.
sentence, se list1 list2
Reports a new list composed of elements of list1 and the elements of list2.