count-color number
better to use: count-turtles-with[color=number]
Reports the number of turtles with the color number. Names of colors can be used
(since they evaluate to corresponding color numbers).
show color-count red
(Prints the number of red turtles.)
count-color-range color1 color2
or: count-turtles-with[color >= color1 and color <= color2]
Counts how many turtles have a color between color1 and color2.
count-pc-range color1 color2
Counts how many patches have a color between color1 and color2.
count-turtles-with list
Reports the number of turtles.
count-turtles-with counts the number of turtles with list where
list is true.
max-of-turtles[var], max-of-patches[var] variable
Reports the maximum value of variable (over all turtles or patches).
variable can be either a patch variable or a turtle variable.
show max-of-turtle[age]
(Prints the maximum value for the variable age over all turtles.)
max-of-turtles list
max-of-frogs list
max-of-patches list
Returns the max value of turtles of proc list.
If there are no frogs/turtles/patches, returns minnum.
max-of-turtles-with list1 list2
max-of-frogs-with list1 list2
max-of-patches-with list1 list2
Returns max of turtles/frogs/patches with list1 true of list2.
If nothing satisfies list1 returns minnum.
min-of-turtles[var], min-of-patches[var] variable
Reports the minimum value of variable (over all turtles or patches).
variable can be either a patch variable or a turtle variable.
show min-of-turtle[age]
(Prints the minimum value for the variable age over all turtles.)
min-of-turtles-with ilist1 ilist2
Reports the minimum value of ilist2 over all turtles who satisfy ilist1.
min-of-patches-with ilist1 ilist2
Reports the minimum value of ilist2 over all patches who satisfy ilist1.
Reports who of turtle running the max-of-turtle command.
one-of-turtles-at xcor ycor
one-of-turtles-with list
Picks a random turtle that satisfies one of the four conditions.
count-pc color
(patch color count)
better to use: count-patches-with[color=number]
show pc-count green
(Prints the number of green patches.)
sum-of-turtles[var], sum-of-patches[var]variable
Reports the sum of the values of variable over all turtles (or over all patches,
if variable is a patch variable).
show sum-of-turtles[age]
(Prints the sum of all of the turtles' ages.)
Reports the total number of turtles.
who-max-of-turtles list
who-max-of-turtles-with list1 list2
Reports who of turtle with max value of list. If none, it reports -1.