clearall, ca
Kills all turtles, sets the color of all patches to black, and clears the Plot Window.
(clear commands)
Deletes all text in the command center.
cleargraphics, cg
(clear graphics)
Sets the color of all patches to black.
create-turtles, crt number
Creates number new turtles. New turtles start at position (0, 0). [Explain initial color and headings.]
create-frogs number
Creates number new frogs.
diffuse variable number
Tells each patch to share a portion (number) of the value of variable with its eight
neighboring patches. number should be between 0 and 1.
diffuse chemical 0.5
(Each patch diffuses 0.5 of its variable chemical to its neighboring 8 patches.)
Returns true if turtle is hidden.
nsum variable1 variable2
(neighbor sum)
nsum4 variable1 variable2
(neighbor sum 4)
For each patch, sums the values of variable1 in the surrounding patches and puts
the resulting sum in variable2. nsum4 uses four neighboring patches (north,
east, west, south), while nsum uses eight neighboring patches (including diagonals).
nsum chemical temp
(Each patch sums the values of chemical in the eight neighboring patches and puts
the resulting sum in the variable temp.)
inspect turtle#
Pops up a turtle monitor for the numbered turtle. If the turtle is dead
it returns an error.
osetbreed-of turtle# number
Observer sets the breed of turtle# to number. If the turtle is dead, it
returns an error.
osetbreed-at xcor ycor number
Observer sets the breed of all turtles at xcor, ycor to number.
osetc-of turtle# number
Observer sets the color of turtle# to number. If the turtle is dead, it
returns an error.
oseth-of turtle# number
Observer sets the heading of turtle# to number. if the turtle is dead, it
returns an error.
osetpc-at xcor ycor number
Observer sets the pc of patch at xcor ycor to number.
osetshape-of turtle# number
Observer sets the shape of turtle# to number. If the turtle is dead, it
returns an error.
osetshape-at xcor ycor number
Observer sets the shape of all turtles at xcor, ycor to number.
hidden?-of turtle#
Reports the hidden status of turtle turtle#. If the turtle is dead, it
returns an error.
osetx-of turtle# xcor
Observer sets the xcor of turtle turtle#. If the turtle is dead, it returns
an error.
osety-of turtle# ycor
Observer sets the ycor of turtle turtle#. If the turtle is dead, it returns
an error.
osetxy-of turtle# xcor ycor
Observer sets the xcor and ycor of turtle turtle#. If the turtle is dead,
it returns an error.