Prof. Bruce Blumberg E15-311 253-9832 |
Prof. Aaron Bobick E15-384B 253-8307 |
Julie Chassé E15-309 253-7441 |
There are no prerequisites for the course, but our hope is that you
will have a strong background in one of the areas of interest.
SYLLABUS & CLASS NOTES: For notes from class discussion, click on topic links
Sept 15: | Introduction and overview of the course |
Role of Story | |
Sept 24:
Design Critique: Tomagotchi as an example of natural stories ** note this class will be Thursday instead of Tuesday** |
Sept 29:
Design Critique: Creatures as an example of natural stories |
Oct 6:
Hell week (Bowing to the inevitable, no class) |
Oct 13:
The Intentional Stance (Prof. Blumberg notes) |
Interface | |
Oct 20:
Design Analysis: Super Mario, interface and camera control (Prof. Blumberg notes) |
Oct 27:
Haptic Character Interface: Barney, and K.F. Chicken; Sensing vs. Measuring |
Nov 3:
Measurement mechanisms & interpretation techniques |
Nov 10:
Sensing vs. Measuring: Any sense using computer vision? |
Environments | |
Nov 17:
Design Analysis: KidsRoom as an example of a strong story environment |
Nov 24:
Building The Veldt |
Dec 2:
Guest Lecture: Pulling the strands together |
Dec 8:
Presentation of final projects |
Sept 24
Grand, S., Cliff, D., Malhotra A. (1997).
Creatures: Artificial Life Autonomous Software Agents for Home Entertainment,
in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Automomous Agents
(Marina del Rey, CA, February 1997), ACM Press, pp. 22-29
Sept 29
Blumberg, B., Galyean, T. (1995). Multi-Level Direction of Autonomous
Creatures for Real-Time Virtual Environments, in
Computer Graphics Proceedings,
Annual Conference Series,
(SIGGRAPH 95, Los Angeles, CA, August 6-11),
ACM press
Dennett, D., (1993). The Intentional Stance, Chapter 2. True Believers: The Intentional Strategy and Why It Works, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, Fourth Printing 1993, pp.13-42
Oct 20
Johnson, M., Wilson, A., Kline, C., Blumberg, B., Bobick, A. (1998).
Sympathetic Interfaces: Using a Plush Toy to Direct Synthetic Characters,
submitted to CHI '99
Oct 30 (links to papers distributed via e-mail; no hard copies distributed)
Paradiso, J. (1998). New Instruments and Gestural Sensors for
Musical Interaction and Performance, submitted to Journal of New Music
Research, March 1998.
Paradiso, J., Hu, E., Hsiao, K. (1998). Instrumented Footwear for Interactive Dance, Presented at the XII Colloquium on Musical Informatics, September 24-26, Gorizia, Italy
Strickon, J., Paradiso, J. (1998). Tracking Hands Above Large
Interactive Surfaces with a Low-Cost Scanning Laser Rangefinder, Presented
at the ACM CHI'98 Conference, April 21-23, Los Angeles, CA
Nov 3
Pentland, A.P. Smart Rooms: Machine Understanding of Human Behavior,
Chapter 1 of Computer Vision for Human-Machine Interaction,
edited by Pentland A., Cipolla, R., Cambridge University Press
Nov 10
Davis, J., Bobick, A. (1998). A Robust Human-Silhouette Extraction
Technique for Interactive Virtual Environments
Bobick, A., Intille, S., Davis, J., Baird, F., Pinhanez, C., Campbell, L., Ivanov, Y., Schutte, A., Wilson, A. (rev. 1998). The KidsRoom: A Perceptually-Based Interactive and Immersive Story Environment, M.I.T. Media Laboratory Perceptual Computing Section Technical Report No. 398 (orginally released June 1996)
Nov 17
Bradbury, Ray. The Veldt, taken from Junior Great Books: A Program
of Interpretive Reading and Discussion, Series Six, Volume 2, Edited
by Richard P. Dennis and Edwin P. Moldof, The Great Books Foundation
Nov 24
Murray, Janet H. (1997). Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative
in Cyberspace, Chapters 4, 5 & 7, The Free Press, New York, NY
Mark Billinghurst