MAS.853 Spatial Imaging Systems

Reading List - Fall 2001

As might be found at the Tech Coop, on reserve at various MIT libraries (as noted), etc.

These are books to which I expect to make occasional direct reference:

T. Okoshi, Three Dimensional Imaging Techniques, TR 780.038 Eng’g. (Academic Press, 1976).
Rather more mathematical, in the electrical engineering sense, than I expect to invoke, and a little obsessive on lenticulars and holography. Nevertheless, an important reference (regrettably out of print, plans for a new edition will be delayed by the recent death of Prof. Okoshi).

S.A. Benton, ed. SPIE Proc. Vol. 120: Three-Dimensional Imaging, TK 7882, Ib.T47 Eng.
(Soc. Phot.-Opt. Instr. Engrs., Bellingham, Washington, 1977).
A fairly comprehensive survey, if I say so myself, of 3-D research at the time.

Charterette and Friedmann, eds., Handbook of Perception, Vol. V: Seeing
(Academic Press, N.Y., 1975)
esp. Ch. 10 "Visual Space Perception," by Professor W. Richards (of MIT) deserves your attention.

D.S. Falk, D.R. Brill, & D.G. Stork, Seeing the Light: Optics in Nature, Photography, Color, and Holography, (Harper & Row, New York, 1986).
An undergraduate general optics textbook, with lots of examples and good explanations.

C.H. Graham, ed., Vision and Visual Perception, QP 475.G738, Rotch Sci-Eng.
(John Wiley and Sons, N.Y., 1965) esp. Ch. 18.
As good a review of vision science as you will find.

R.L. Gregory, The Intelligent Eye, BF 241.G8235 1970, Rotch
(Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London, 1970).
A fast-moving introduction to the thoughts on spatial perception of one of the most original contemporary minds in the field. Meant for a talented high school audience, but with scores of research leads and literature references.

W.L. Gulick & R.B. Lawson, Human Stereopsis, BF 469.G8 Hum.
(Oxford University Press, N.Y. 1976).
A different point of view than the above, but more comprehensive and detailed.

E. Hecht & A. Zajac, Optics,
(Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 1974).
A good general book on optics, at the undergraduate level. We will be mostly concerned with "Geometrical Optics" (Ch.5).

Lenny Lipton, Foundations of Stereoscopic Cinema, TR 850.L767, Rotch
Lipton was an early advocate of Super-8 film-making, and this has some of the same low level media technology flavor as some of his earlier works. A very limited, though entertaining, 3-D movie-making point of view on dimensional imaging. Have a look at it.

N.A. Valyus, Stereoscopy,
(Focal Press, London 1970).
An unusual look through the long history of 3-D research and development in the Soviet Union. Their commitment has been less dramatic, but more durable than any in the West. Of course, they "invented" most of it too.

See also:

David H. Hubel, Eye, Brain, and Vision
Scientific American Library (a division of HPHLP), NY, 1988.
Ch. 7: "the Corpus Callosum and Stereopsis," pp. 137-157; ISBN 0-7167-5020-1

B. Julesz, Foundations of Cyclopean Perception, QP 475.J94 Hum. Sci.
(Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, 1971).
Julesz’s invention of random-dot stereograms triggered a new epoch in spatial vision research.

SPIE Proceedings:

J.J. Pearson, ed., SPIE Proc. Vol.#367: Processing and Display of Three- Dimensional Data, (1982).

J. Ebbeni, A. Monfils, eds., SPIE Proc. Vol.#402: Three-Dimensional Imaging, (1983).

D.F. McAllister, W.E. Robbins, eds., SPIE Proc. Vol.#761: True Three-Dimensional Imaging Techniques and Display Technologies, (1987).

W.E. Robbins, ed., SPIE Proc. Vol.#902: Three-Dimensional Imaging and Remote Sensing, (1988).

W.E. Robbins, S.S. Fisher, eds., SPIE Proc. Vol.#1083:Three-Dimensional Visualization and Display Technologies, (1989).

J.O. Merritt, S.S. Fisher, eds., SPIE Proc. Vol.#1256:Stereoscopic Displays and Applications, (1990) and subsequent volumes in the same series (still running).

(all from SPIE-Int’l Soc. Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA; as dated)
Nice updates of the technologies involved, reflecting trends in applications especially.

Stephen A. Benton, ed., Selected Papers on Three-Dimensional Displays (SPIE Milestones Series, Volume MS162, 2001).

Also worthy of mention:

B.R. Altschuler, ed., SPIE Proc. Vol.#283: 3-D Machine Perception, TK 8315.T43 1981 Eng.
(SPIE, Bellingham, Wash. 1981).

American Cinematographer, "Special 3-D Issues."
Vol. 55-4 (April 1974) & Vol. 64-7 (July 1983)

Sir David Brewster, The Stereoscope: It’s History, Theory and Construction,
QC 373 .S8.B848 1971 Rotch
(John Murray, London, 1856; reprinted by Morgan & Morgan, NY 1971)

J. Bronowski, The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination,
(Yale University Press, 1978) BD 181.B76 Hum
Speaks briefly of possible connections between vision, evolution, stereopsis, and consciousness.

H. Davson, The Physiology of the Eye, QP 475.D267, Sci. Eng.
(Academic Press, N.Y., 3rd edition, 1972).

J.G. Ferwerda, The World of 3-D,
(Netherlands Society of Stereo Photography, 1982, available here through Reel 3-D Enterprises)

Conventional but up-to-date.

H.M. Geldud, Film Makers on Film Making, PN 1995.9.P7.G296 Rotch.
(Indiana University Press, 1967)
Includes S.M. Eisenstein’s "About Stereoscopic Cinema," his last essay.

R.L. Gregory & E.H. Gombrich, eds., Illusion in Art and Nature, QP 495.G68 Hum.
(Chas. Scribners, N.Y. 1973) esp. Ch. 1 & 2.

R. M. Hayes, 3-D Movies: A History and Filmography of Stereoscopic Cinema,
(McFarland & Co., Inc., Jefferson, NC, 1989) ISBN 0-89950-407-8.
A thorough and knowledgeable survey of the 3-D movie canon, including overseas work.

D. Hutchinson, Fantastic 3-D,
(Starlog Press, N.Y., 1983).
A popular survey, lighthearted and amusing. See Morgan and Symmes for more detail.

A.W. Judge, Stereoscopic Photography: Its Application to Science, Industry and Education,
(Chapman & Hall, London, 3rd edition, 1950)

H. Morgan & D. Symmes, Amazing 3-D,
(Little Brown, Boston, 1982).

W.D. Morgan & H.M. Lester, Stereo Realist Manual,
(Morgan & Lester, N.Y. 1954).

D. Marr, Vision: A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information, Q.P. 475.M27,475. 1982, Eng. Sci.
(W.H. Freeman, San Francisco, 1982).

K.N. Ogle, Researches in Binocular Vision, QP 487.035, 1964
(1950, reprinted by Hafner Publ. Co., N.Y., 1972).

M.H. Pirenne, Optics, Painting and Photography, NC 750.P667 Rotch
(Cambridge Univ. Press, Chicago, 1957)

S. Polyack, The Vertebrate Visual System, QL 949.P781, Eng. Sci.
(Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, 1957).

J.O. Robinson, The Psychology of Visual Illusion, QP 495.R662 Hum.
(Hutchinson Univ. Library, London, 1972).

A. Rose, Vision: Human and Electronic, TK 8304.R795, Eng.
(Plenum Press, N.Y., 1973).

W.A. Shurcliff, Polarized Light: Its Production and Use,
(Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1966)

W.J. Smith, Modern Optical Engineering, TS 513.S663, Eng. Sci.
(McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1966).

W. Thomas, Jr., ed., SPSE Handbook of Photographic Science and Engineering
(Wiley-Interscience, N.Y., 1978).