Feature selection, localisation and first results


The next step was trying out feature selection on the representations mentioned before, with two aims in mind:

-         Localizing of the features described by the labels

-         Speeding up and enhancing recognition performance (the traditional aim)

Some first (and quite acceptable, in some cases) classification performance results also came out of this process.


What is feature selection?


Feature selection is the process by which, out of a set of features, we decide to keep a subset with certain desired properties, mainly in order to speed up and enhance classification, which will take placed based on the chosen subset. Some evaluation criterion is chosen, and we are seeking the subset that maximimises or anyway satisfices it. Such criteria might be:

-         “Distances” of probability distributions of different classes, such as the KL-distance discussed later

-         Evaluation of the performance of a quick-and-dirty classifier on the train set, or on a validation set

Concerning the choice of subsets to be evaluated, many approaches exist, for example:

-         Brute force (combinatorial explosion is reached fast – 2^n subsets to be tried)

-         Brute force with constraints: for example, all subsets within a certain range of dimensions, or with specific connectivity / geometric properties etc. In essence, brute force on a specific set of subsets of the original set.

-         SFS/SBS sequential forward / backward selection, choose/leave k

-         SFFS (sequential forward floating selection), a branch-and-bound type method with reportedly superior results [1].

-         GA’s (genetic algorithms), genomes encoding feature sets, fitness according to criterion.

In our case, code for all of the above except GA’s was implemented: unfortunately, the sffs code was still being debugged while this was written.


Feature selection for localisation


Here, we attempt to answer the following question:


For a specific label (for example, moustache), which pixels (most probably forming areas) of the image contain the crucial information for recognition? Or, else, can this thing labelled “moustache” be localised somewhere in the face, based on the training data?


This has implications in our case towards justifying the adhoc “cutting out” of a region, and ultimately in providing better and quicker performance. In other problems, this might correspond to the determination of where in the sensory surface (for example, where in the body or in which sensation?) is a labelled stimulus concentrated. If the labels are words other linguistic primitives, we are in essence roughly “grounding” the semantics of the label.


The subsets to be evaluated where chosen by brute force out of the restricted space of all possible rectangles starting anywhere in the image and having sides belonging to {4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32}, and three criteria were used: KL distance, recognition percentage of a simple classifier on the training set, and (just for a test – as optimising by the test set is definetely cheating)  recognition percentage of a simple classifier on the testing set.


A symmetrised version (arithmetic mean) of the KL distance was used, divided by the number of pixels in the subset. Also, the resistor-average KL [2] was tried out, but for the gaussian case we used later it is equivalent. The implementation of the KL distance was problematic: early histogram-based approaches sufferred from zeros, some quick fixes for the 1D case were successful, but these didn’t generalise well to the multi-D case. Thus, to get a quick working fix, we estimated means and covariance matrices and used the KL formula for gaussians [3]. However, there were severe numerical problems in this case too, due to the often ill-conditioning of the inversion of covariances.


The simple classifier consisted of a 1D fisher vector projection (discriminating label with maximum prior with the union of the rest), followed by gaussian fitting (based on empirical sigma and mu for each class), empirical priors, and the associated quadratic decision boundary.


Localisation results


If we arrange the 23K subsets linearly, here’s a picture of what we get:


Figure 8: KL, % on train, % on test by subset index for label 6  (Moustache)


The points to notice are: (other points that exist will become clearer later)

-         Large-scale and small-scale periodicities due to the looping of rectangle side sizes

-         There is certainly a relation between KL and recognition percentage, of course even more so on the train set. However, this relation is not always monotonic; there exist pairs of increasing KL values with decreasing percentages. This was to be expected however, as KL is related to asymptotic performance, furthermore under other idealisations.


In general, recognition performance of the simple classifier on the train set was found to be a more reliable predictor of the performance of more complicated classifiers on the test set than KL, although further experimentation and quantitative justification is required here.


Even if the original subset areas should be multiples of 16 (4 x 4), as the subsets were masked by the image mask, all possible areas between one and the total mask size emerged, with a spiky decreasing histogram. If we now arrange the subsets by area, we can find the statistics of the criteria as a function of subset size:


Figure 9: Recognition percentage of simple classifier on train set - statistics as a function of feature set size

(red = min and max, blue = mean, green = one sigma boundaries), y-axis ABOVE MAX. PRIORS


Points to notice:

-         We do get satisfactory separation in almost all labels – moustache seems best, and race worst

-         There are labels for which adequate information can be found even in small areas of the picture (i.e. are highly localised); moustache is such a prime example, and also expression. It gets to 90% of its best percentage with a 32-pixel subset, and probably even smaller (if we allowed all possible rectangle side sizes we would know). I.e.:


    '---> LABEL=moustache'


 Best KL values [0.50821,4.4972], firstmin@=1, firstmax@=216

But we still get over the acceptable=4.0475, with an area as small as =211

 Best TR perc [0.8673,0.97146], firstmin@=1, firstmax@=152

But we still get over the acceptable=0.96104, with an area as small as =32

 Best TE perc [0.78758,0.93387], firstmin@=1, firstmax@=89

But we still get over the acceptable=0.91924, with an area as small as =16


-         There are other labels where we continue to get more useful information as the subset size increases, and we should probably use the whole picture if we can, such as gender. I.e.:


    '---> LABEL=gender'


 Best KL values [0.12138,0.96421], firstmin@=2, firstmax@=9

But we still get over the acceptable=0.86779, with an area as small as =9

 Best TR perc [0.61392,0.83926], firstmin@=3, firstmax@=203

But we still get over the acceptable=0.81292, with an area as small as =132

 Best TE perc [0.65731,0.77054], firstmin@=1, firstmax@=130

But we still get over the acceptable=0.75746, with an area as small as =90


-         Of course, highly localised labels have more variance for a fixed size k for small sizes.


Similar results for KL-distances and performance on the testing set ( - not to be taken into account -) are:


Figure 9: Symmetrised KL distance - statistics as a function of feature set size

(red = min and max, blue = mean, green = one sigma boundaries), -2 for ill conditioning


Figure 10: Recognition percentage of simple classifier on test set - statistics as a function of feature set size

(red = min and max, blue = mean, green = one sigma boundaries), y-axis ABOVE MAX. PRIORS


Here, even if we are not allowed to quote results from feature sets chosen by performance evaluation on the test set, what will follow becomes evident by the mean values.


The best feature sets and those at 90% of the performance and minimum sizes are shown below:

Figure 11: Best feature sets and satisfactory sets (90% of best perf.)


Notice that indeed the highly localised features require small sets, and also notice how the inherent symmetry of the human face functions: in many cases, only half the area is required. We certainly get what we expected for moustache, expression, glasses, bandana and hat.


If we now plot the number of  times a pixel belongs to a best performing (for size k) feature set over the number of times it belongs to all sets created, we get the following informative figures:



Figure 12: Relative frequency of pixel belonging to best performing sets for size k

(i.e. times pixel belonged to a best performing subset for an area k, k=1:maxk

over times pixel belonged to a feature subset that was evaluated,

where “best performing” is according to rec. perc. on train set by the simple classifier)


Points worth noting:


-         Localisation is now evident! We have indeed found out which part of the image is more informative towards the labels EXPRESSION, MOUSTACHE, GLASSES and HAT.

-         For results with inadequate rec. performance: the BANDANA result is spurious, due to the fact that two of the supposedly bandanas are mufflers worn on the neck, and the beard result is very general due to the suspicious nonlabelling of beards (when a moustache existed, as pointed out before).

-         It is interesting that a vertical strip above and below the nose is not informative towards gender, but this needs further exploration.

-         It would be worth trying a different set of subsets to start with, or maybe doing some hierarchical or “zoom in” approach to pixel selection. Definetely in the list of next steps!


Thus, we have succesfully localised the most important areas for each label, and thus can justify selecting these. And we have also roughly grounded words as “moustache” in vision.


Feature selection on PCA coefficients


PCA coeffs were calculated for a cut region around the moustache. Preliminary results show that after selecting the best subset of the form 1:n, selective deletion of coefficients might incrase performance noticeably (1:18 and then delete 6, 8..12). Early tests showes increases of more than 3% above the cited 92% for MOUSTACHE, and an ROC area underestimate of . This is definetely worth further systematic investigation.

Figure 13: Moustache ROC curve (on test set, by simple classifier) of best subset after feature selection on PCA coeffs


Some first performance results


Our real results when using the simple classifier with the BEST FEATURE SETS for the TRAIN set on the test set are:

(i.e. real recognition percentages, with NO involvement of the test set in tuning)


%(best sets of train on test), %(small. accept. sets of train on test), %(maxprior), label, %(over maxprior)

gender --->73.9% ,70% ,maxprior=64% , improvement =9.97% ,6.06%

age --->83.8% ,84.4% ,maxprior=86.7% , improvement =-2.86% ,-2.25%

race --->85.1% ,85.3% ,maxprior=85.1% , improvement =-0.0501% ,0.2%

expression --->79.8% ,78.5% ,maxprior=55% , improvement =24.8% ,23.5%

moustache --->91.8% ,91.2% ,maxprior=78.8% , improvement =13.1% ,12.5%

beard --->99.2% ,99.2% ,maxprior=99.5% , improvement =-0.301% ,-0.301%

glasses --->98% ,98.2% ,maxprior=99.6% , improvement =-1.6% ,-1.35%

bandana --->99.5% ,99.5% ,maxprior=99.6% , improvement =-0.0501% ,-0.0501%

hat --->97.7% ,97.6% ,maxprior=99% , improvement =-1.25% ,-1.4%


Thus: (summarising)


Results for feature selection on pixels and simple classifier:


MOUSTACHE     (~92%), covered 61% of the way from fixed choice to perfection.

EXPRESSION    (~80%), covered 55% of the way from fixed choice to perfection.

GENDER             (~74%), covered 28% of the way from fixed choice to perfection.


Failure everywhere else, with a near miss in RACE.


Early evidence of further increase up to 3% (95%) in MOUSTACHE after feature selection on PCA, in a different cut region




[1] Jain, A.; Zongker, D. “Feature selection: evaluation, application, and small sample performance“, Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 19 Issue: 2 , Feb. 1997, Page(s): 153 -158

[2] Johnson, D.H. and Sinanovic, S. , “Symmetrizing the Kullback-Leibler Distance”., submitted to Signal Processing Letters, 2002.

[3] Therrien, C. , “Decision, Estimation and Classification”, Wiley, 1989


Next page: Further classifiers & results