Assignment: Answers to "the Five Questions"

Due: Thursday, September 19

Email us the text by Thursday, September 19 at 5 PM.

To the best of your ability at this time, answer the following questions about the work that you are considering doing for your thesis research. If you have more than one idea, adressing each is one way to decide. However, we are only requiring one set of answers. The ultimate decision will be between you and your advisor.

Here are "the Five Questions":

  1. What problem are you addressing?
  2. What is the contribution to your field of research/inquiry?
  3. Why is this problem important (e.g., why would this work be meaningful to someone not committed to your field?)
  4. How are you going to attack the problem? (i.e., how will you subdivide the main task into manageable chunks?)
  5. What resources will you need to reach your goal?
The objective of this part of the first assignment is to start framing a thesis proposal. When you revise your evolving pre-proposal, keep building arguments for the following: "what is the problem", "why should we care", and "how will you know when you're done."

As a guide, continue to think about the following five questions during the proposal process. Use these questions to structure your class assignments and also focus on critical answers that you'll need to address in the proposal.

When you email your assignments to us before the meeting on Tuesday, September 24, it will give us a chance to read them before class and better help you in the discussions. As always, if you have questions about the task, please send us a message. We're happy to answer questions and look at drafts.