Holographic Imaging |
(Printable PDF version available here)
Guidelines for not getting you, someone you know or work with, or other people hurt/damaged/killed are the same inside and outside of lab:
This guide provides summary information about laser safety, chemical safety, and other related safety issues. In addition, it lists the safety equipment in the lab, as well as emergency phone numbers and contacts in case of emergency.
Lasers are concentrated, bright lights. Direct eye exposure to the lasers we will use in class can cause temporary, or even permanent, blindness. Other lasers used in the research laboratory are more dangerous: a direct beam can cause burns or start fires, and even diverged beams or diffuse reflections can be hazardous.
The intensity of a laser's emission is used to classify its danger. ANSI standard Z-236.1 defines the following laser classes:
1: Lasers that can't produce injury during normal operations.
Class 2a: Low power visible lasers or laser systems not intended for prolonged viewing, but that aren't hazardous under normal conditions.
Class 2: Low power visible lasers or laser systems that do not present a hazard due to "normal human aversion responses" (in other words, you're aware its a bright light so you look away fast enough). Some hazards may occur such sources are viewed for an extended period of time, much like any other bright source.
Class 3a: Medium power lasers or laser systems that normally will not be hazardous if viewed momentarily with the unshielded eye.
Class 3b: Laser or laser systems that can be hazardous if viewed directly. Hazards may include specular reflections (the beam bouncing off shiny or mirrorlike surfaces).
Class 4: Lasers of laser systems that result in hazards for diffuse or scattered reflection as well as from specular reflection or the direct beam. These lasers also pose fire and skin burn hazards.
We will use only Class 3a (IIIa) or lower lasers in class. Lasers of Class 3b and 4 are used in the research lab.
Class 3a lasers pose two major hazards: biological and electrical. Biological hazards for this laser class are exclusively optical. Your eye's cornea can focus laser light onto your retina, increasing its brightness up to 100,000 times and causing retinal damage. Specular or mirror-like reflections, such as those from an optical mirror or a watch, can also cause retinal damage. Lasers are more dangerous than conventional light sources because the eye usually doesn't respond as quickly to "stop down" or force you to look away.
Class 3b and 4 lasers used in the adjacent research lab can an additional biological hazard of burns to the skin.
Lasers are usually high voltage (1kV to 10kV) gas discharge tubes. As such, they can pose an electrical hazard. The voltages and currents are enough to cause involuntary muscle contraction that can force you to maintain your contact with a charged wire should you come in contact with one.
Some labs use special laser goggles to filter out the potentially dangerous laser light from the eye. However, holography requires that the beam be visible for setup and inspection of the holographic apparatus. So labs also require that you look towards a diverged (spread-out) beam. Some people may find this step uncomfortable, but a sufficiently diverged beam poses no health hazard.
In holography, chemicals are used to process photosensitive plates and films and to adhere plates to plate holders. Some of these chemicals are flammable, others are toxic. Following lab safety guidelines for handling chemicals is extremely important. Your TA is the first person you should consult, if possible, to find out about chemical hazards or to report a potential chemical hazard.
Index matching fluid
Xylene (pronounced "Zi-leen") is flammable and harmful if swallowed or inhaled in great concentration. The use of xylene in holographic imaging produces vapor levels well below health safety levels set by OSHA.
Mineral oil is essentially inert, and in pharmaceutical purity is used to treat gastric distress.
Kodak D-19, a developer developed for black and white photography, can cause minor skin irritation and is harmful if swallowed.
Pyrogallol is a component of several developers we will use in later labs. It is poisonous; skin contact, inhalation, and ingestion should all be avoided.
Ascorbic acid is also known as Vitamin C. Our ascorbic acid is not food grade, so don't eat it. It is used in several developers.
Sodium Carbonate, a developer component in the "Ilford" process, is harmful if swallowed and can cause eye burns and skin irritation.
Sodium Phosphate Dibasic, another developer component, is a minor skin and eye irritant.
Sodium Hydroxide, used as a component in the "PAA" developer, is highly corrosive, causes severe skin or eye burns, and is very harmful of swallowed.
EDTA bleach contains EDTA, which should not come in contact with the skin, and Potassium Bromide, which is harmful if swallowed.
Potassium dichromate (or "dichro") bleach contains potassium dichromate, which is highly toxic, corrosive, and is a cancer-suspect. This bleach also contains sulfuric acid, which is corrosive and poisonous. Avoid skin or eye contact!
Bromine water consists of elemental bromine mixed with water. It is extremely dangerous, and should only be handled with thick gloves and under a fume hood. Avoid contact, including fumes! We will seldom, if ever, use bromine water in class. You may see it in the fume hood, however.
Drying agents and other chemicals
Methanol is used to dry plates. Avoid vapors (use only under a fume hood), and avoid skin exposure. Isopropanol is less dangerous but should also be treated with caution. Both are flammable.
Glacial acetic acid, or stop bath, is a skin irritant at high concentrations and has irritating vapors. Avoid inhalation.
Triethanolamine is a slippery, large-moleculed compound used to swell emulsion. It may be a skin irritant.
Many optical components, holographic plates, and other objects in the lab are made of glass. The edge of plates, even from the manufacturer, as sharp enough to cut you. Be careful. There are also a large number of razor blades used in lab for cutting, scraping, and prying. Handle them very carefully.
Holographic exposures are made in the dark, and chemical processing proceeds in the dark. Be familiar with the lab so that you can get around without running into things. In general, don't leave rooms completely dark unless you are exposing or processing a plate: someone entering the room from the bright hallway may not be able to see well.
For most minor medical problems, you can and should take advantage of the proximity of the Media Lab to the MIT Medical Department.
Locate and remember the locations of the following objects in the lab and darkroom:
You contact your lab TA first in case of a problem or safety issue. If your TA is unavailable, consult the list of phone numbers on the outside door of the lab (or call other numbers as previously directed by your TA). Steven Smith, the lab safety supervisor, is often in the research lab and is available to help.
Here are some of those numbers, should the up-to-date list in lab be unavailable to you:
Be sure to identify your location:
Building E15
Holography lab: E15-044
Darkroom: E15-044B
Lab phone number: 3-0610