Holographic Imaging

Spring 2002


Lab notes and documentation

Lab notebook guidelines

Lab assignments

Lab #0 - In-class coffee cup hologam demonstration (HTML) (PDF) .

Lab #1 - Michelson Interferometer and coffeecup hologram (HTML) (PDF) .

Lab #2 - Interference and diffraction (HTML) (PDF) .

Lab #3 - In-line holographic optical elements (HTML)  (PDF) (this lab is done on the same day as lab #4)

Lab #4 - In-line transmission holograms (HTML)  (PDF).

Lab #3&4 prelab questions (HTML) (PDF)

Lab #5 - Spatial filters and Leith and Upatnieks off-axis holograms (HTML)  (PDF)

Lab #6 - Off-axis transmission masters (HTML)  (PDF)

Lab #6 prelab questions (HTML) (PDF)

Lab #7 - Full aperture transfer (HTML) (PDF) (this lab is done on the same day as lab #8)

Lab #8 - Rainbow tranfer (HTML) (PDF)

Lab #9 - Reflection "Denisyuk" Holography (HTML)  (PDF)

Lab #10 - Reflection Transfer (HTML) (PDF)

Last updated Tuesday, February 5,2002.