Features that people rely on when trying to determine the emotional state of the person in the video


head movements
rhythm of head movement
movement of hand holding the utensil
sudden body movements
chest movement (indicator of how fast the person was breathing)
movement of shoulders
vertical movement of head while chewing. (Indicator of how forcefully the person is chewing her food)
jaw movement
movement of fingers



particular torso, neck, head
position of elbows on the table
how far apart were the actors from the table
way in which actors where seated


time between bites
time spent picking up the food
time actor put down the utensil (fork)
time of people holding the utensil with food (people staring at the food)


Sensation of Force applied through hand motion to the fork when picking the food


hand-head coordination


They would guess better if the actors were people they know well.

Color of the shirt the individual was wearing

Amount of food picked by the fork
surrounding environment (actor in office more likely to be stressed)