Tentative Syllabus

(subject to change)


Feb 8

Introduction: Semantics, Concepts, Physics



Feb 15



D. Dennett, True Believers: The Intentional Strategy and Why It Works , 1981.

H. Dreyfus, From Micro-Worlds to Knowledge Representation: AI at an Impasse In Mind Design II (ed. J. Haugeland), 1997.



Agre & Chapman 1987 (Pengi)*

D. Ballard, Deictic Codes for the Embodiment of Cognition. Behavioral and Brain Science. 1997.

H. Dreyfus,Why Computers Must Have Bodies in Order to Be Intelligent. 1967

D. Dennett, Precis on the Intentional Stance , Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1998. (target article required, responses optional)

D. Kirsch, Foundations of AI: the big issues. Artificial Intelligence. 1991 (reply to brooks 1991)

Ferguson, A. (1998). How Steven Pinker's Mind Works. The Weekly Standard.



Feb 22

Simulator Tutorial

No Readings



March 1



G. Drescher, Made-Up Minds: A Constructivist Approach to Artificial Intelligence , Chapter 1. 1991.

R. Brooks, Intelligence without Reason . Computers and Thought, IJCAI. 1991

R. Brooks, A Robust layered Control System For a Mobile Robot. IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation. 1986



M. Minsky, Internal Grounding, Reflection, and Self-Consciousness. In Brain, Mind and Society, Proceedings of an International Conference on Brain, Mind and Society, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Brain, Mind and Society, Tohoku University, Japan, September 2005.


March 8



Deb Roy. (in press). A Computational Model of Three Facets of Meaning. Chapter to appear in Symbols, Embodiment, and Meaning, de Vega, Glenberg, and Graesser, eds.

Deb Roy. (2005). Grounding Words in Perception and Action: Computational Insights. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9(8): 389-96.



Siskind, J.M., Grounding the Lexical Semantics of Verbs in Visual Perception Using Force Dynamics and Event Logic, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), 15:31-90, August 2001.

S.Narayanan. (1999) Reasoning about Actions in Narrative Understanding. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.



March 15

Guest Attendant: Daniel Dennett

audio transcript



Daniel Dennett, Things about things. FINAL DRAFT for Lisbon Conference on Cognitive Science, May 1998

Daniel Dennett, Real Patterns, From Brainchildren

Daniel Dennett, Styles of Mental Representations, From The Intentional Stance


March 22

Student Presentations

Jim & Ben:


L Vaina and R Greenblatt. The use of thread memory in amnesic aphasia and concept learning. AI Working Paper (MIT AI Lab)

R. Jackendoff. Towards and Explanatory Semantic Representation. Linguistic Inquiry. 1976.

Landauer, T. K., Foltz, P. W., & Laham, D. (1998).Introduction to Latent Semantic Analysis. Discourse Processes, 25, 259-284.


L. Talmy. Force Dymanics in Language and Cognition. Cognitive Science, 12. 1988.

L. Talmy, Semantics and Syntax of Motion.  From PhD Dissertation. 1972.




April 5

Guest Attendant: Daniel Dennett

audio transcript



D. Dennett (1991). Two Black Boxes.

D. Dennett (1988). Evolution, Error and Intentionality. in Y. Wilks and D. Partridge, eds, Sourcebook on the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, New Mexico University Press 1988.

Daniel Dennett,(1987) Beyond Belief, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. From The Intentional Stance




April 12

Student Presentations

Soroush & Leo:

audio transcript



Simon Garrod, Gillian Ferrier, Sibhan Campbell. In and on: investigating the functional geometry of spatial prepositions.Cognition 72 (1999) 167+189

Terry Regier and Laura Carlson. Grounding Spatial Language in Perception: An Empirical and Computational investigation. Journal of Exp Psychology (2001)

Pattie Maes. (1987) Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications. Conference proceedings on Object-oriented programming systems, languages and applications

Quassim Cassam. Subjects and Objects. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 57, No. 3. (Sep., 1997), pp. 643-648.



Viktor Pekar. Specification in terms of interactional properties as a way to optimize the representation of spatial expressions.

Takuo Watanabe and Akinori Yonezawa. Reflective Computation in Object-Oriented Concurrent Systems and Its Applications

Quassim Cassam. Representing Bodies. 2002




April 19


Ludwig Wittgenstein. (1945). Philosophical Investigations. Section 1-32. Section 243-317.



Fleischman, M. and Roy, D. Situated Models of Meaning for Sports Video Retrieval. HLT/NAACL. Rochester, NY. April 2007.

Fleischman, M. B. and Roy, D. Intentional Context in Situated Language Learning. Ninth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning , Ann Arbor, MI. June 2005.


April 26

Guest Attendant: Ray Jackendoff

audio transcript

text transcript



Ray Jackendoff (2002) Foundations of Language Ch 9, Ch 10a, Ch 10b.  (NOTE: three pdfs to read)



Ray Jackendoff (1987) "On Beyond Zebra". Cognition (26;2). 


May 3

Guest Attendant: Mark Bickhard

audio transcript


M. Bickhard. Language as an Interaction System.



M. Bickhard. Interactive Knowing: The Metaphysics of Intentionality.

M. Bickhard. Interactivism.




May 10





May 11

Guest Attendant: Noam Chomsky

Time: 11am-12.30pm

Location: e15-283a (Roth Room)

audio transcript

text transcript



Noam Chomsky (2000).  New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind. Ch. 7. Footnotes .



Noam Chomsky (2000).  New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind. Ch 2.




May 17

Final Project Presentations











Paper Pool


Narayanan, Reasoning about Actions in Narrative Understanding. IJCAI, 1999.


H. Werner and B. Kaplan. Symbol Formation. Wiley, 1963. (excerpts from chapters 1-4)

E. Bates, Intentions, Conventions, and Symbols.. The Emergence of Symbols (Ch. 2). 1979.



Nelson & Shaw, Developing a Socially Shared Symbolic System. In J. Byrnes & E. Amsel (Eds.) Language, literacy and cognitive development.(pp 27-58) Erlbaum. 2002.

C. Ogden and I. Richards, The Meaning of Meaning . Chapter 1. 1923.

C. Peirce, How to Make our Ideas Clear . Popular Science Monthly. 1878

BC Smith, On the Origin of Objects , MIT Press. 1999.


Gibson, The Theory of Affordances , Chapter 8. Lawrence Earlbaum, 1986.


B. Rosenblueth, N. Wiener, and J. Bigelow, Behavior. Purpose, Teleology. Philosophy of Science (10:1). 1943


M. Bratman, Israel, Pollack, Plans and Resource-Bounded Practical Reasoning. Artificial Intelligence (1;1)1988


Russell and Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Part IV. 2002.*


B. Blumberg, Action Selection in Hamsterdam: Lessons from Ethology . 3rd Int. Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. 1994


A. Clark. Being There. Chapter 8.4. MIT Press, 2001.


J. Haugeland. Syntax, Semantics, Physics. In Views into the Chinese Room (eds. Preston and Bishop).  2002.


Heyes, C. M. (1998). Theory of mind in nonhuman primates.   Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1): 101-134.

D. Marr. Vision. Freeman, 1982. (Chapter 1: The philosophy and approach).

A. Newell. You can't play 20 questions with nature and win: Projective comments on the papers of this symposium. In W.