gps w/ n95

Submitted by on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 06:03.

i originally wrote a simple script to acccess gps position but kept getting KErrPermisionDenied error relating to the positioning module. turns out that the python script shell and interpreter need to be signed with appropriate capabilities in order to access sensors and read/write data to/from them. i went ahead and through the app manager on the phone uninstalled the python script shell and python interpreter. then i downloaded the high capability unsigned .sis versions of each of these from and . after you get these, you can head over to and go through the short upload/download process (make sure to check all capabilities) and you'll end up w/ signed versions of these .sis files. upload these to your phone, from your phone open the file manager, install the newly signed versions of each of these (the interpreter first then the script shell) and you should have yourself readable sensors!

edit: a lot of gps programs require an initial fix before running the script. otherwise u will just get data filled with zeros. here's a quick tutorial on getting an initial fix