MAS111: Introduction to Research in
Media Arts and Sciences
Fridays, 3-5pm, E14-525
V. Michael Bove, Jr., E15-448, x3-0334,
vmb (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu
Chris Schmandt, E15-355, x3-5156, geek (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu
David Reed, E14-348H, x3-6469, dpreed (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu
Where possible, handouts will be linked to this
page, but a few may unfortunately be available only in paper form.
If you miss class, you can pick these up from Michael Bove's office,
or in class the following week.
5 February
- A brief overview of the semester
- A brief history of UROP
- Students and instructors introduce themselves
- What is research, and what kind do we do at the Media Lab?
- How to design an experiment
- Assignment for next class: your UROP
proposal (or a paragraph outlining your skills and research interests)
12 February
19 February
- What kinds of resources exist and
how to find them
- Assignment for next class: Literature search -- find 3 new papers/references/informational resources
(that you didn't have already) related
to your project and write a brief summary of each. Also tell how you
found them.
- Resources: VERA, IEEE
Xplore, ACM Digital
Library, Google
Scholar, DBLP, Zotero
26 February
5 March
- No class because of E14 dedication ceremony
12 March
19 March
- No class (since so many of you left
early for Spring Break!)
26 March
2 April
- How (and when) to do a research-results
Web page
- Assignment for next class: find and critique a research-results page
9 April
16 April
- Practice student presentations
-- student critiques
23 April
- Practice student presentations
(second half) -- student critiques
30 April
- Final presentations (revised)
7 May
- Final presentations (revised)