Knitting Assignment
by maria.stangel
The first thing I wanted to make with this assignment was to incorporate color into my knitted pattern. I started to try my little “experiment” on the smaller needles mashine. I was surprised how fast my piece was growing…i guess that was the luck of a beginner cause suddenly it felt down from the needles. I was knitting with two threds and changing them every 20 rows… I didn’t realize that the threds crossed several times above my head and one of them felt down from the wire “crane”. The preasure was released and my kinitting was over. I tried again and made quite a long stripped piece (violet and green on the photo). When I wanted to finish my work I found out that I forgot how to cast off! I have discovered that the small mashine is not the one to learn how to do that, the holes were very small and I finally gave up. This is why my stripped piece unstitches easly..
I’ve moved to the bigger mashine and started the “pike” part of assignment. I chose to try with two threads so the knitted material would be very thick – I was hoping that my “pikes” would stand by themselves (you can see this on the introduction photo). Later at home I used my “pikes” to make a “cell phone warmer” for my mobile.
For the pattern I chose a simple repetative hexagonal like repetative motive. I was D positioning every second pair of neddeles. You can see the pattern on the photos below and the pattern dirsctions on the diagram. Blue dots are the needles in position D.
It was a great experience to play with this mashines and explore their possibilities. I am looking forward using them again in my future projects.