geometric knit

by denamolnar




   Before creating our own designs, the class became comfortable with using the knitting machine by knitting a sample designed through the use of an existing pattern…


  This pattern creates what appears to be an indentation in the knit structure. Once taken off the machine, the sequencial reduction and reintoduction of cast needles creates a “cone” or “mitered edge” 


  For my design, I knew I wanted to create a form that had some sense of geometry. With  the concept of the mitered edge in mind, I used the concept of the original knit structure (expanded in width) and knit the sequence back to back 4 times without a straight knit in between.  I put two yarns into the same machine feed to created a variegated affect on the knit surface.  

 Once off the machine, I turned the 4 “cones” inward to create a square. The use of 2 yarns had a suprising effect in that their contrast emphasized the directional movement of each of the corners.  To finish, I sewed the opened end together. 

Final Knit 2 pattern:

Cast on 40 needles. Knit 10 rows. Carriage should be on right side. Move  Russel levers from position 1 to 2. Bring needle closest to carriage into hold position. Knit one row (carriage should be on left side). Bring needle closest to carriage into hold position. Knit one row (carriage should be on right side). Continue bringing one needle into hold position on the carriage side until you have 2 needles in knit position in the center of your pattern. Carriage should be on right side.

The knitter will know move the sequence in the inverse by bringing needles out of hold position. Push the needle closest to the knitting on the opposite side of the carriage (the left side) into knit position. Knit one row (carriage should be on the left now). Push the needle closest to the knitting on the opposite side of the carriage (the right side) into knit position. Knit one row (carriage should now be on the right). Continue bringing one needle out of hold position opposite the carriage side until all needles are back in knit position.

Repeat steps 1 and 2 three more times only do not place 10 rows of plain knit in between the new structures. Once you have finished the last sequence, you may knit 10 rows before casting off and shaping.