Albert’s Raise Your Glass Computational Embroidery
by mrching
How do you embed a song into clothing?
With a combination of tactile textile sensing and computational embroidery, there is now a way. Building off of the images that I created from tapping my fingers to “Raise Your Glass” by the Glee Warblers, I decided to translate those images into an actual textile using computational embroidery. The process was certainly not as easy as I hoped (I used the embroidery machine on 4 separate occasions and unfortunately broke the machine once!) — but it was rewarding once I got closer to translating my tactile design into something that was woven into a jacket that I am planning to wear.

Embroidery Process

Original Tactile Design in Processing - Created by Finger Tapping to Raise Your Glass
My First Embroidery Try
Embroidering on an Old Gray Shirt - The Embroidery Machine Ate My Shirt
Video of Computational Embroidery Process
Raise Your Glass on Blue Sweater
Modeling the Bedazzled Blue Sweater