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Malika Singh https://courses.media.mit.edu/2014fall/mas834/2014/09/23/malika-singh/ https://courses.media.mit.edu/2014fall/mas834/2014/09/23/malika-singh/#comments Tue, 23 Sep 2014 16:41:52 +0000 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2014fall/mas834/?p=3307  





Harvard Graduate School of Design- Masters in Design Studies-Technology and Material Studies

Research Assistant for ALIVE & WYSS Institute.


★★★★  Fabrication & Craft
★★★★  Design
★★     Electronics
★★     Programming
–           Biology
–           Chemistry


What’s your favorite thing you’ve made?
I love building things! I have made many models for school, explored materials for research, designed interactive installations and most of all make personalized gifts for friends. The driving force that pushed me to pursue masters in United states was its state of the art Fabrication Lab which is not at my disposal back home.

This being said, my absolute favorite projects include Opti-Con and The Gaze

Opti-Con: Explored optical Fibers in Concrete to make everyday mundane walls interesting and Fun! It created an interesting interaction between the interior and exterior spaces and at the same time was placed in the wall in a way to collect sunlight and throw it into internal dark spaces. This project exploited materials to create an effect which would otherwise be only possible using high-tech electronics.

The Gaze : This is a Screen unlike the one mentioned above explored modern materials and technologies. Using smart film, Arduino, processing and projections a pavilion was designed for the city of Guangzhou, China. This Pavilion allowed people to experience the city from one of the main vantages through various filters. Working with Smart film opening my mind to so many other applications and possibilities, of how not only design but also experiences of people can be augmented.

What’s the most frustrating object you’ve used?
One of the frustrating object in my life are heels and I love heels but since they get very painful I cannot wear them for more than 2-3 hours and after these hours I begin to love flat footwear. Hope both of these were designed to be one and were just a click of a button away!

Also Wires!

What do you personally hope to get out of this class?
Having basic know-how of a few interactive devices and experiencing some of the projects done under Tangible Group I am certain that there is a lot of similar interests and a huge learning opportunity for me. I hope to not only gain the skill sets to create these type of projects myself, but I am also very passionate to understand the logic and creative thinking behind them.

How can you contribute to the class?
Since design and creativity is a two way exchange there are a few projects, ideas and skill sets that I would like to share with the group as well. Coming from a design background there is fresh and different outlook that I can bring to class, which would not only foster many discussions but would also result in a healthy exchange of ideas.I bring a considerable experience in mustard-making and can teach others in my group about the fascinating and nuanced intersection of human-computer interaction and food!!

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