The great 2014 MAS111: Introduction to Research in
Media Arts and Sciences scavenger hunt
Fridays, 3-5pm, E14-525
V. Michael Bove, Jr., E15-448, x3-0334,
vmb (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu
Patsy Baudoin, 14S-230, x3-4979, patsy (at) mit (dot) edu
This syllabus will be updated from time to time throughout the term so please check back regularly!
7 February: Research
- A brief overview of the semester
- What is research, and what kind do we do at the Media Lab?
- How to design an experiment
- How and why to keep a lab notebook
- Resource: Instructions on keeping
a lab notebook (from Course 2)
- Assignment for next class: Find a popular-press article or blog discussion of some science or engineering result or design achievement, and also find the researchers'/designers' own write-up of the results. In your opinion, did the press understand and correctly report the most significant aspects of the work? Write one page explaining your thoughts.
14 February: Resources
21 February: IP
28 February: Ethics in research
7 March: What's "peer review," anyway? And what about non-peer-reviewed publications (like the Web)?
14 March: Staying safe
- Health and safety considerations and regulations (MIT Environment, Health and Safety)
- Handout: EHS Presentation on Chemical Safety
- Resource: Sample MSDS
- Assignment for next class: 1) If you led MIT, identify three ways that you would implement and communicate to all levels at MIT the concept of culture of safety. What do you think is the most important way to communicate to your community, the undergraduates of MIT? 2) For occupants of the Media Lab, what is the assembly point should there be an incident requiring an evacuation from the building? What do flashing blue lights at the entrances to E15-023A (in E15-001, 015, and 039) plus a sounding fire alarm indicate? 3) For chemical safety, please pick your favorite chemical(!), research a Material Safety Data Sheet on the web and describe its health effects.
21 March
- No class (since so many of you left
early for Spring Break!)
28 March
4 April: The Art of the Demo
11 April: Presenting
18 April
- Practice student presentations
-- student critiques
25 April
- Practice student presentations
(second half) -- student critiques
2 May
- Final presentations (revised)
9 May
- Final presentations (revised)