Posted: March 12th, 2014 | Author: basheer | Filed under: Midterm Project | Comments Off on Midterm Project Assignment
They should be considering specific design specifications
• symmetry vs asymmetry
• granularity
Human-human interactions mediated by technology
Create vision video that should inform and illuminate a direction for how human to human interaction might evolve as technology develops. This can be a long term direction. You will draw on these ideas when doing your final (implementation) projection.
Posted: March 12th, 2014 | Author: basheer | Filed under: Announcements | Comments Off on Midterm Project Assignment
They should be considering specific design specifications
• symmetry vs asymmetry
• granularity
Human-human interactions mediated by technology
Create vision video that should inform and illuminate a direction for how human to human interaction might evolve as technology develops. This can be a long term direction. You will draw on these ideas when doing your final (implementation) projection.
Posted: March 8th, 2014 | Author: basheer | Filed under: Announcements | Comments Off on Clarification about class requirements
Clarification about class requirements
Thanks for the great discussion during last week’s class. Looking forward to hearing more of your ideas!
We wanted to give some clarifications on posting to WordPress. Thus far, only two of you have posted your first assignment to the website. Documentation of your work is very important both for us to better evaluate your work and to help you form groups for the subsequent projects. Please make sure that you upload your work in a timely manner. It is part of your grade.
Here’s what needs to be up so far:
– Your profile page
– Documentation of the warmup projection including:
– one representative image
– a one paragraph summary of your idea
– link to a pdf of your slides
Please make sure that the pages are up by next class, when we will be announcing the first group project. As you should start thinking about forming groups, we strongly suggest that you do the upload by Monday so that you have some time before class to check out your the work of your peers.
Posted: March 5th, 2014 | Author: basheer | Filed under: Announcements | Comments Off on Syllabus
Spring 2014 Media Arts and Sciences Course
MAS S62 (H) Special Topics: STAR: Shared Tangible Augmented Reality
Shaping Malleable Reality through Bits, Atoms and the Senses
When: Thursday 10am-12pm
Start Date: Feb. 6th (Thu)
Where: E14-525 (Nagashima Conference Room)
Units: H-level 12 units (0-12-0)
Co-instructors: Prof. Ken Perlin (NYU) & Prof. Hiroshi Ishii (MIT Media Lab, Tangible Media Group)
TAs: Xiao Xiao, Felix Heibeck, Basheer Tome, Philipp Schoessler
This course explores possible visions of the future where Bits, Atoms, and the human are seamlessly coupled to create a shared, tangible augmented reality, or “Malleable Reality”, that people can share using all their senses. We review (1) existing visions, (2) techniques to hack human senses, (3) enabling VR/AR/TUI technologies, (4) new application scenarios (e.g. collaborative design, learning), and (5) social & cultural implications of malleable reality.
This is a project-based course open to approximately 24 students who will work in small groups of 3-4 to explore aspects of malleable reality through two projects. In the first project you will create a video that shows a vision of a possible future. For this project, start with a cultural question and a set of reasonable assumptions about future capabilities. Your video can be hopeful, cautionary, educational, poignant or comical. The key goal is to illuminate, in a thought provoking way, societal issues around the possibilities created by future shared augmented and malleable realities. In the second (final) project you will implement a prototype of your vision, using whatever technologies are available to you in 2014, create a working prototype that can be used to explore and better understand some of the issues raised by your vision of future interactions.
Guest Lectures (TBN)
- Jaron Lanier (06/03)
- Bret Victor
- 1st (Mid-Term) Project
- Visions of future interactions (vision video): For this project, start with a cultural question and a set of reasonable assumptions about future capabilities. Your video can be hopeful, cautionary, educational, poignant or comical. The key goal is to illuminate, in a thought provoking way, societal issues around the possibilities created by future shared augmented and malleable realities.
- 2nd (Final) Project
- Prototype of your vision (implement something): Using whatever technologies are available to you in 2014, create a working prototype that can be used to explore and better understand some of the issues raised by your vision of future interactions.
- 30% Participation in the class discussion
- 30% Mid-term project and presentation
- 40% Final Project and presentation
Enrollment: This is a project course with enrollment limited to ~24 to keep a design studio atmosphere. If you’re interested in taking the class and/or want to receive more information,
Posted: February 13th, 2014 | Author: basheer | Filed under: People | Comments Off on Basheer Tome

Prior to joining the Media Lab, I studied Industrial Design at Georgia Tech and worked at Google in various capacities from user experience design on the Hangouts video chat application to interaction research for Google[x] on Glass, designing both software and hardware to prototype new digital and physical interactions.
I’m interested in creating new automotive and pilot-based interiors that more physically and haptically integrate navigation.
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