MAS.S62 Shared Tangible Augmented Reality Mon, 19 May 2014 17:41:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 expressive communication technology Thu, 15 May 2014 19:40:57 +0000 EmoBits: Expressive Bits for Communication by Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao

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clayodor Mon, 12 May 2014 22:41:29 +0000 Project Members

Ermal Dreshaj, Xavier Benavides(Listener), Judith Amores(Listener), Sang Leigh, Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao

MIT Media Lab

Project Description:

clayodor (\klei-o-dor\) is a clay-like malleable material that changes smell based on user manipulation of its shape. This work explores the tangibility of shape changing materials to capture smell, an ephemeral and intangible sensory input. We present the design of a proof-of-concept prototype, and discussions on the challenges of navigating smell though form.

Screen Shot 2014-05-19 at 1.21.29 PM

Screen Shot 2014-05-19 at 1.21.37 PM

Final Report:

link to final writeup


link to video

Special Thanks:

Special thanks to Lingyun Sun, Yusuke Sekikawa and TactonicTechnologies for their generous help with the prototype.

Project: Master Builders Sat, 10 May 2014 04:39:18 +0000 Team Members:

Hye Soo Yang

Jili Huang

Ricardo Alvarez

David Lobser

Isabelle Alles

Gal Sasson

Omer Shapira

Project Description:

A shared VR/AR platform where people can co-design their environment using superpowers, while having fun…!!!!


What we’re doing for the presentation:

We plan to show our ongoing work in the use of VR and parametric design as a tool for co-designing urban/architectural spaces.

  1. We’re using VR to let people “feel” proposed urban designs, while allowing them to vote on what they like or don’t as feedback input;
  2. Also, we allow people to interact and change the pre made  designs by using superpowers ;
  3. Allow multiple users to have multiple asynchronous co-design sessions.
  4. Finally we place the proposed designs in Google Street View as a proxy of how it would look in the real world.

All of this will be done within a VR environment.

Important: We’re not making a professional’s tool, but more of a interaction/design platform for everyone.

Upcoming Conferences Thu, 08 May 2014 16:55:37 +0000 Here we put together some information about important conferences that might be interesting for you to submit your projects.


TEI’15: Eighth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and
Embodied Interaction, Jan 15-19, Stanford, USA
Submissions due: Aug 1,

HRI’15: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction,
March 1-4,Portland, USA
Submission due: Sep 26

DIS ’14: Designing Interactive Systems Conference, June 21-25, Vancouver, Canada

EICS’15: ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing
Systems, June 23-26, Duisburg, Germany

TVX ’14: ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for
TV and Online Video, June 25-27,Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Submission due: ended

CABS’14: Collaboration Across Boundaries: Culture, Distance &
Technology, August 21-22 Kyoto, Japan
Submission due: ended

Ubicomp ’14: The 2014 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Sept
13-17, Seattle, USA
Submission due: ended

MobileHCI ’14: 16th International Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, September 17-21,Toronto,
Submission due: mid – end May

RecSys ’14: Eighth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Sept 27 –
Oct. 1st, Silicon Valey (San Matteo), USA
Submission due: ended

SUI ’14: Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (co-located with UIST
2014), Oct 4-5, Honolulu, Hawai (USA)
Submission due: June 27

UIST ’15: The 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and
Technology, Charlotte, USA
Submission due: April 2015

CHI PLAY’14: ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction
in Play, Oct 19-22, Toronto, Canada
Submission due: May 18

VRST ’14: The 20th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and
Technology, Nov 11-13, University of Edinburgh, UK
Submission due: June 30

ITS ’14: Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, Nov 16-19, Dresden, Germany
Submission due: Jue 30

ICMI ’14: International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Nov
12-16, Istanbul, Turkey
Submssion due: ended

Presence Fountain Thu, 08 May 2014 14:19:11 +0000 Builders: Miles, Evan

We will present a fountain (as in small houseplant-size decoration) which acts as a proxy to facilitate non-invasive communication about presence and level of activity.

Dephemeral: Note from today’s class Thu, 10 Apr 2014 18:43:35 +0000 Project dephemeral ( aims to capture and store ephemeral senses (e.g. smell and taste) in form of digital data. Through this, we hope to achieve duplicating, replaying, and transferring such fleeting experiences.

However from today’s discussion, we start to explore the fictional situation where every senses can be captured and replayed, and eventually making those experience devalued as they can be easily duplicated and replayed with computers. People will less appreciate scent of a flower or a wine, which defeats the purpose of this project to enrich the experiences.

Therefore we are looking to find the exact form of this technology that have a balance between enriching the senses within digital communication and letting us still value the ephemeral experiences. In addition to this, we started exploring the idea of bridging the attributes (that changes over time) of physical objects and worlds into the digital – such as materials decaying over long period of time, materials changing properties over time, and so on.



Jim Hollan’s work on digital paper


Notes from today’s discussions Thu, 10 Apr 2014 16:04:52 +0000 # humanist
– cultural
    * being more connected and aware of _presence_ all the time
– sociological
    * states of communication
      * sometimes you don’t want to transmit any information
      * sometimes you want to transmit just some lights and water
      * sometimes you want full audio-visual communication on with no walkie-talkie button
    * (fountain) it’s a place you go to be with someone, not someone you take around with you.
– phsychological
    * like having an imaginary friend that’s only half imaginary
    * relieve some of the self-conscious aspect
    * something that you are willing to interact with without giving up privacy
    * something that you are willing to let sit on the wall when you’re not engaged with it.
– ethical
    * a more privacy-safe non-intrusive version of a portal in the wall
# design
– the thing itself
    * non-intrusive, something out of the way such that you
    * but has to be able to convey enough information to be a useful thing.
    * avatar might be too much information (you might not want someone sitting on your couch 24-7)
    * fountain limits to : see if they’re there, see how they’re feeling, communicate if you want
    * fountain would be small
    * not particularly portable
    * installed pointing to a particular other device / place
    * common space
    * pleasant looking enough to survive in a liveable room (not a bathtub)
– your presentation
    – narrative (!)
# technical
– what are you inventing / innovating
    * presence detection stuff
    * gauge engagement in a conversation
– how does it work?
    * presence input
        * room light state
        * someone in the room or not (PIR?)
        * sound in the room (level of sound)
    * output
        * lights, colored, gradients or different sources
        * fountain on/off, fountain modulate rate
        * multiple fountains?
    * networking
        * sensors -> input manager -> client -> server -> client -> output manager -> output device
        * maybe no server, direct client to client
        * if real-time audio is involved, skype and a script to toggle audio
        * or web-audio
– challenges
    – did you have to solve any challenges?
    – what’s yours?
    – what’s other peoples (attributions)
Avatar Thu, 03 Apr 2014 15:19:11 +0000 Project members: Miles & Evan

This is an experiment with simulated face-to-face communication using procedurally animated avatars. Our project will not only focus on the character overlay system, but also on translating physical attributes to character animations. We are hoping to derive these attributes from portable sensors like accelerometers, gyroscopes, heart rate monitors, etc…so that this experience can be taken anywhere, unlike cameras and depth sensors.

Here’s a link to our project video.

Ermal Dreshaj Thu, 03 Apr 2014 14:46:19 +0000 Ermal Dreshaj Pic

  • E-Mail: ermal at media dot mit dot edu
  • Website:
  • Department: MIT Media Lab – Object-based Media Group


I worked previously in the Perceptual Computing Group at Intel Corp, where I was involved in the research and development of HCI techniques, mobile gaming interaction and depth-sensing camera technologies.  I received my BS in Computer Engineering from Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, Ohio where I focused primarily on digital design and computer architecture.  My experience in computer technology spans from the low-level architecture and embedded programming to high-level programming, such as C++ and C#.


I’ve always been critical of augmented reality as an interaction technology, so I want to learn more about it from experts in the field and see if I might change my mind and learn to appreciate it more.


Master Builders Thu, 03 Apr 2014 14:23:01 +0000 Team Members:

Hye Soo Yang

Jili Huang

Ricardo Alvarez

David Lobser

Isabelle Alles

Gal Sasson

Omer Shapira


Comments Session 04/11/2014

We started reviewing our project by discussing the parts for which we feel strongly about, particularly about letting people participate on urban/architectural design as our core function. This has several facets:

1. Let people “feel” the proposed designs and observe their behavior in a non-intrusive manner;

2. Allow people to interact and propose changes to pre made  designs using superpowers (simple set of superpowers such as push and rotate for example, other powers such as fly we deemed too complex as an experience and we’ll decide later);

3. Allow multiple users have co-design sessions simultaneously.

Important: We’re not making a professional’s tool, but more of a interaction/design platform for everyone.

Our project should also allow for VR/AR switching in order to enable design sessions for different scenarios. We talked on how important is in some instances to actually go to a place and experience the design “on-site” because of the additional sensorial information and place anchoring effect this has.

We agreed that we we’re going to take it step by step because of the complexity of the project. For this we’re going to work on:

1. VR experience (solo);

2. VR design (solo);

3. AR experience (solo);

4. AR design (solo);

5. Simultaneous multi-users;

6. Expand superpower uses.

We’ll be exploring parametric design as a way for playing with design variations. We’ll be proposing a sample of a few design parameters with which we can start experimenting.

Some of the next steps are described below:

# Phase 1
* Find Parameters that matter to the population
* Propose a site plane with the parameters encoded
# Phase 2
* Repeat:
* Propose several variations of parameters
* Allow people to visit site and score variations
* Allow people to visit site and propose variations
* Remove variations that violate the constraints
* Make a new set of variations according to votes and public suggestions
# Computer Restrictions:
* Public vs. Private space.
* Cost
* Find at most 4 parameters that are accesisble in a point-and-click fashion
* Find a way to make parametric variations on a model:
* If it’s the amount of stories, build stories.
* Make a map with boxes for a basic plan.
* Make a system of constraints.
#Guidelines for building:
* Real units (meters)
* Export as Collada files with embedded textures.
* All models are centered on (0,0,0).
* The floor is at y=0
* All sizes are standard: A building has a box, a floor has a box, a block has a box. ALL THREE Dimensions are fixed.


A shared VR/AR environment where people can co-design their environment with superpowers, while having fun…!!!!


Video Link:


Additional support images:

Typical Static Urban Planning Design:

Some functionality/design principles:

Some functionality/design principles:


Typical Static Urban Planning Design Board

Typical Static Urban Planning Design Board


