This is a compilation of recommended readings.. reading assignments can be found in the schedule.
TUI and Radical Atoms Research
Related Research
- Dual Reality by Joshua Lifton
- Nathan Shedroff: Make It So
- The Scifi2Scifab class’s syllabus has interesting related readings sorted by technology
- Vannever Bush, As We May Think
- Jaron Lanier, You are Not a Gadget
- Ted Nelson, Xanadu
- Verner Vinge, Rainbows End
- Past visions of the future
- A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design by Bret Victor
- The Computer of the 21st Century by Mark Weiser
- Electric Body Manipulation as Performance Art by Arthur Elsenaar and Remko Scha
- The Coming Age of Calm Technology by Xerox PARC
- History Enriched Digital Objects by Will hill and Jim Hollan
Science Fiction Novels
Science Fiction Shorts
- Aliette de Bodar : Immersion
- James Tiptree Jr : The Girl who was plugged in
- Ray Bradbury : The Veldt
Cultural implications
- A Cultural Perspective on Mixed, Dual and Blended Reality by Applin and Fischer
- PolySocial Reality: Prospects for Extending User Capabilities Beyond Mixed, Dual and Blended Reality by Applin and Fischer
Mixed Reality
- Mixed Reality on Wikipedia