2014 | P2: Shape as Media – Tangible Interfaces http://mas834.media.mit.edu MAS.834 Sat, 12 Dec 2015 03:52:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2015fall/mas834/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2015/09/cropped-TIlogoB-02-copy2-32x32.png 2014 | P2: Shape as Media – Tangible Interfaces http://mas834.media.mit.edu 32 32 Portals http://mas834.media.mit.edu/2014/11/04/portals/ Tue, 04 Nov 2014 22:22:59 +0000 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2015fall/mas834/?p=3720 Revealing integrated contextual information through Tangible Interactions

Xavi Benavides, Paola Mariselli, Aiko Nakano, Ana Torres and Luke Vink



Navigating through physical spaces and understanding the context of those spaces today is commonly done using GUI solutions that often distract us from the very world we are attempting to navigate through. While the GUI is powerful, it requires our focused attention and is commonly a cause for inefficiency making interactions more complex than its far more established tangible alternatives. In this paper, we will discuss the Traveller and the Inhabitor as a means to understand the context and people involved in navigating between physical spaces and identifying contexts where digital information could be of great use although conventional GUI or signage based approaches would be inadequate or distracting. We will discuss two projects in the context of hospitals and automobiles to justify the use of tangible interfaces as a means to navigate between physical spaces without collisions, interruptions, or confusion. 







The first prototype is called TARZ and it is a door handle with three actuated components.  We also have developed the software needed to create animation according to different sensors. We used ABSplus material to 3D print the door handle. All the system relays on an Arduino processor that create different shapes. It is actuated with three Hitec HS-5585MH servomotor and is connected to a laptop that receive the information from the sensors, and display the different animations in the door handle.


The second prototype is a pneumatic handle called CASE. It has different patterns that are shown when  its inflated. CASE was created as a flexible composite material of three layers: two latex rubber sheets are adhered to a middle layer of mylar with a strong bonding adhesive. The mylar was laser-cut to allow the creation of air-pockets that can be easily inflatable. Inflation was done with a 12V vacuum pump connected with flexible tubing to the open end of the pattern. We created two variants of the pattern of air-pockets . The first consisted of a series of alternating thick and thin bars that create a wave motion on the palm of the hand gripping the material. The second pattern consisted of parallel diagonal lines leaning towards the left or right, depending on their placement to the respective side of a bicycle handle.


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Supporting Materials

PROJECT 2: SHAPE AS MEDIA http://mas834.media.mit.edu/2014/10/28/project-2-shape-as-media/ Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:57:50 +0000 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2015fall/mas834/?p=3690 Form is used as a medium to communicate; it creates function, affords interaction, represents information, and informs symbolic and metaphorical meaning.

As a fundamental element of design, static form, as well as its fabrication techniques, have been explored since ancient time. We try to change the static nature of form in design, and develop dynamic and transformative material as media.

For this project, you are free to form new groups or stay with your existing ones. Please ask the TAs for help


At the core of this project is the goal to create a (at least partially functional) prototype. You are welcome to use any technology/material that facilitates the functionalities you envisioned. Never be


  • Create (at least) 4 GIFs of your Prototype
  • 3 GIFs have to show the actual prototype and his functionality
  • 1 GIF may extend on future functionality/aesthetics
  • Video is optional

Presentation (in December 2. Class)

Presentation of your project as a team. Each team will have about 15 minutes to present its project and 10 minutes of Q & A.

  • Slideshow with motivation, related projects (ACM digital library is a good place to start), design rationale and usage scenarios.
  • Prototype that is at least partly functional
  • (Optional) video demonstrating the complete scenarios

Online (deadline December 2. 1pm)

Create a page entry in the category Project 2: SHAPE AS MEDIA including the following things

  • Title of the Project
  • Abstract
  • Group Members & Roles
  •  4 gifs

Report (deadline December 12th 12pm)
