Individual P1 Proposals – Tangible Interfaces MAS.834 Sun, 05 Feb 2017 17:11:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Individual P1 Proposals – Tangible Interfaces 32 32 Tanuja Proposal 1 Thu, 03 Nov 2016 01:17:46 +0000 tanuja_1st_presentation

Coffee Sketches Thu, 20 Oct 2016 15:55:46 +0000 Thought I’d share a few sketches for ideas that I find intriguing, but haven’t been absorbed into our group project. My group is currently working on connecting two people through the experience of drinking coffee. I’m not a coffee drinker, so I chose to focus on the affordances of both the coffee itself and the ceramic vessel containing it. The comforting motion of stirring, the centrifugal force involved in throwing ceramic vessels, the spinning of records and the acoustic qualities of ceramic coalesced in my mind.

kosiecki_coffeesketch1 kosiecki_coffeesketch2


Emotional Telepresence via Shape-Changing Interface Wed, 12 Oct 2016 00:14:55 +0000 shape-changing-interface-for-emotional-telepresence

We are spending far more hours with our computers and smartphones than with people. Our digital experiences are very often devoid of emotions. Even when we communicate with people through non-direct means, most of the emotions are lost in cyberspace. And thus, the most effective way for emotional expression still remains face-to-face communicating. What if we could change that paradigm. What if we had a way to constantly be emotionally connected with all the people we care about, without having to meet each of them directly every time we wished to find out how they are doing.

What if some of the objects that we use every day served as interfaces that reflected the emotional states of the person we associate with a particular object. Say for example the mug you are holding was not just a mug but was rather an interface that changed its shape, color, or other property in a way that indicates to you how the person you associate with this mug is feeling.  Or what if the furniture, or any other object changed one or more of its properties to reflect one’s emotions.

To build an emotional telepresence system, we could use a webcam that captures a person in their natural environment, and then process that webcam information with Affectiva’s emotion tracking software, and extract only the emotion content and discard the video content (thereby maintaining the user’s privacy; of course the user could choose how or what they wish to share always, but the maximum they could share is the emotion data). The emotion data is then sent to the cloud, and a shape-changing device at some other spatial and possibly temporal location changes its properties in response to the emotional content. In other words, we are mapping emotional content into dynamic change of shape. The question that needs to be asked, though is what mapping scheme should we use between emotion and shape; and what kind of shape-changing device should we use? Pip Mothersill explored the relationship between form and emotion in her Master’s thesis, thus we could refer to that document for guidance.


Sync In – Siya Takalkar Thu, 06 Oct 2016 21:59:00 +0000 MOVEMENT IS LIFE. Our heart beats and pumps blood, our lungs breathes. Movement is the essence and evidence of life and what the human bodies revolve around. When two people move in the same space, there is a strong connection between them. The medium being body language, eye contact, facial expressions, etc. How can we create the same connection between people who are not in the same space? Talking about movement, dance is the perfect medium through which people connect and bond. The question being, how can people dance together not being in the same space?

SYNC IN are specially designed dance shoes to connect people across distance. The pressure at any point on the feet is translated into vibration at the same point on the other pair of feet, maintaining the intensity. The modes are extensions as to what the shoes can afford to do!


project-ideas_-brainstormSync In

Dan Levine Project Proposal 1 Thu, 06 Oct 2016 18:52:09 +0000 Full Proposal:

–need access to shortcodes to embed. But you’ll be able to see everything in presentation mode by going to the link.


Shruti – Group 1 – Unchoreo Thu, 06 Oct 2016 17:46:01 +0000 slide1










Karishma – Group 5 – Dear You Thu, 06 Oct 2016 16:15:40 +0000 “Dear You” is a way to connect loved ones across countries. Writing has always been a strong passion of mine. I have written a couple of books related to education and started journaling every day since I was 15. I usually write “1 thing I love” from each day in a journal with a pretty cool artsy cover. I wanted this project idea to resemble my sentimental value to writing every day but also allow me to connect with my loved ones that currently live in Asia. Below are the images of this idea.

The person writing:


The family member or loved one receiving:


Anterface Thu, 06 Oct 2016 15:18:38 +0000 Inspired by ant’s perceptions, social behaviors, collective intelligence, I’m thinking to build a tangible interface as a collaboration tool for real-time simulation and data visualization using living ants with environmental factors.

From the observation of ants using ultraviolet from the sun and magnetic field from the earth for orientation and navigation in the wild, we might be able to manipulate ant’s movement by using a grid of electromagnetic spectrums with different wavelengths and magnetic fields with different strengths.

As opposed to using Graphic User Interface to demonstrate the output of Processing, we could construct a projector (perhaps Digital Light Processing projector) with a wider range of electromagnetic spectrum. The projection with different colors and wavelengths could potentially allow artists, designers, programmers to draw, visualize, simulate digital information into a physical presentation (living ants).

Drinking with Friends Thu, 06 Oct 2016 06:02:11 +0000 screen-shot-2016-10-06-at-01-45-59

My idea is to create a long distance drinking experience between two people.




Different Alcohol usually uses a different cup.


During the drinking process, people interacts with the cup by using their gesture, for example, a cheer with others.


  The form changing cup sends and receives the data about the alcohol information and people’s interaction information to build a drinking experience between the friends.

Goban Thu, 06 Oct 2016 02:24:46 +0000 slide2

This a installation that can make you have a real experience of play Go with your opponent who is on the other side of computer.

This design can trace the movement track of the stone in the 3D space and reflect it to the other stone with an input sensor.The electromagnet suspension or the shape changing material will be used in this design.
