Uncategorized – Tangible Interfaces https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834 MAS.834 Sun, 05 Feb 2017 17:11:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2015/09/cropped-TIlogoB-02-copy2-32x32.png Uncategorized – Tangible Interfaces https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834 32 32 Jellyfish https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/2016/12/03/jellyfish/ Sat, 03 Dec 2016 17:17:59 +0000 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/?p=6601 Lucas Cassiano, Alethea Campbell, Poseidon Ho, and Lily Gabaree


In nature, jellyfish do not have brains. They process information via sensitive nerve nets that underlie their epidermis, allowing for full radial sensation. We were inspired by their sensitivity, compositional simplicity, and the many affordances of their radial design.


Like jellyfish, we rely on touch in our natural environments. The skin is the largest organ of the human body, approximately 22 square feet of densely packed receptors. The human hand alone contains approximately 100,000 nerves. Jellyfish is an interface that makes full use of our capacity to sense through touch.


Jellyfish is a proposed dynamic interface that transforms flat, screen-based information into three-dimensional, mutable material, using a programmable topology.

3D Viewer
all tops
Place Jellyfish over a GUI, and move it around like a puck. The topology of Jellyfish changes according to the detected screen content, to create correlating textures. The base of the puck is a solid ring, which glides easily on surfaces; the top is a translucent skin, stretched over shape-changing wires, that can bend up to 90 degrees at each node, allowing for the creation of a variety of shapes.

Pressing on a node allows the user to deform the shape, and this input also affects the screen content, allowing for hands-on CAD modeling and other applications.




Jellyfish can transform any typical GUI interaction into a tangible experience.

Applications include: modeling in CAD software; examining datasets; GIS mapping; game controls, and more. [expand]



Our original brainstorms spanned a variety of possibilities: stress-based tongue interfaces; ants as actuators/fabricators; plant-based interactions and personal growth gardens. We decided to focus on a later idea – a tangible interface puck, loosely inspired by the Microsoft Surface Dial, dialbecause it would have a wide range of possible applications for productivity and expression.

Unlike the Dial, our puck would be more than an advanced mouse; it would be a direct and tangible connection to the original content. We were inspired by the Radical Atoms discussion and Bret Victor’s talk about the underutilization of many “modes of understanding,” particularly our capacity for tactile understanding. And to achieve this understanding, we would use programmable matter, in the form of changeable topology.

We decided to look to nature for inspiration as to methods of best realizing our vision, and focused on the jellyfish, which has a simple, radial design that affords fluid and rapid shape-changing. A trip to the New England aquarium provided additional inspiration. jelly2

When designing the interface, we focused on usability: the puck would fit in one’s hand, glide easily over any screen, and would be manipulatable by all fingers. Inspired by the jellyfish’s fluid-filled hood and underlying musculature, we decided to use a rigid structure in the bottom layer, with a gel-filled encasement on top. This would allow for more dramatic shape shifts in the rigid structure, including sharp edges, but would also afford smooth, organic surfaces if needed, by altering the amount of gel present in the topology.

There was a delay in getting the shape-changing wires we hoped to use for the rigid structure, so we used 3D-printed models to represent different topologies that could be rendered. artboard



The tops can be used interchangeably to snap in the puck. We used gel and a plastic film to create a malleable surface atop the underlying structure.


Once the wires arrived, we tested their performance moving a gel layer. We did not achieve the dynamic node structure desired, but did produce movement in the test layer.




Test https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/2016/11/17/test/ Thu, 17 Nov 2016 21:46:52 +0000 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/?p=6490 Test

Jiabao Li – Phone/Internet sensory substitution https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/2016/11/17/jiabao-li-phoneinternet-sensory-substitution/ Thu, 17 Nov 2016 18:07:31 +0000 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/?p=6480 Sensing augmentation: hacking into the digital data surround us everyday into tangible form.

Our generation always have this syndrome with internets and phones. people are so trapped into this 5 inch square pixels, they check it all the time and can’t leave without it. We are so addicted to it, They become part of our body, part of our sense. So here we try to wrap it into our body – transform the information from these digital data into part of ourself.


projectstructureprojectstructure-1 projectstructure-2 projectstructure-3 projectstructure-4



Very pertenant subject – our preoccupation with digital information. But why would access to even more information through additional senses help the situation? How is it interactive? What form does the final artifact take?


Penny: Take a look at this work www.thegreeneyl.com/call-me-choke-me I think its relevant, could be interesting to take a hyper-speculative approach to this idea.

Udayan’s comment:

How is the mapping from information in the digital world to senses making the situation better. I think this is an interesting direction. But if you can answer that question by thinking deeper and coming up with some scenarios it could be cool. For example, instead of having to read and reply texts to loved ones(which takes a finite time), can you make the sensations appear through haptics. There is a lot of work on done these lines, particularly, a simple example of this is the heartbeat functionality on Apple watch. Can you go beyond that?

Lily Gabaree: Personal Growth Garden https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/2016/11/16/personal-growth-garden/ Thu, 17 Nov 2016 02:48:35 +0000 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/?p=6439 Inspirationvine1

Plants are, of course, living organisms, but they are also an interesting material. Dead, some plants are adequately sturdy to build human infrastructure, like wood frames. Alive, they behave as responsive materials, growing towards and with sunlight; vines even respond to touch, as they must detect forms to wrap around.

A vine is delicate and flexible, yet strong and durable against the elements. They are smooth to the touch and pleasing to the eye, with curves tailored to the environment. The ubiquitous green soothes human cognition; there is some evidence that looking at the green hues of nature is the minimal visual cognitive load.

Most interestingly, they grow – in response to the sun, the land, and anything in the way.

What if they grew in response to us?

Tracking Personal Growth

In recent years, many people have adapted personal tracking devices – from sleep apps, to FitBits. The output tends to be visualized in graphical or numerical form.



Of course, the main feedback in these pursuits should be internal to you – you feel better rested, more fit, happier, etc. Yet there is a continued interest and desire for more than that – a sense of concrete feedback, and of total growth over time, rather than your experience and status in that moment; hence, the popularity of tracking applications.

What if this growth could be presented in a more tangible form than a mobile graph – like a garden?


The Personal Growth Garden will embody your personal growth in organic, dynamic, and beautiful forms. Plant a seed when you begin a new goal, and watch it sprout when you commence working on it, and then grow vines upwards and outwards in response to your own progress. Flowers may bloom at key junctures in your journey.

Maintain your efforts, or the vine may wither.



The Personal Growth Garden may begin as a conceptual model, to serve as inspiration for the development of programmable growth materials.

Alternatively, it could co-opt a responsive hydroponics system, that would vary water, nutrient, and light input to plants in reaction to personal progress. Progress could be tracked with traditional methods (user-input on mobile apps; phone pedometers, etc.) and fed to the system, thus promoting plant growth. hydroponics












Finally, the system could involve a material that behaves like a plant, rather than actual organic matter. For example, plastic tubing could be densely packed into “seeds,” and then growth could occur via temperature change and inflation, producing vine-like shapes. The shapes would deflate without continued maintenance.

 The Experience

You can see, feel, and smell your efforts, as the flowers from your special successes bloom. The patterns of their growth are uniquely yours, intersecting with related goals you pursued concurrently. Others can come and admire the garden you have fostered, giving you the opportunity to share in each others’ progress.












I like the literal metaphor of personal growth. One of the cool aspects of tracking apps is the ability to go back and look in detail at a specific datapoint. What is the corresponding interaction with plants? If the plants grow with you, do you also grow with the plants (give you food, happiness, fresh air, etc.)? Could be a cool positive feedback loop. Of course, if you become depressed and your plants start wilting, will you be even sadder? How to avoid negative feedback loops while maintaining the base metaphor?

I also like the experience – sharing your gruarden/growth. Is there a social aspect? Is your growth synergistic or competative with other people’s/plants? Are there parasites taking energy away from your growth? Pestacides to ward them off? Many potential interactions within the metaphor.


Amos Golan-idea 2 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/2016/11/16/amos-golan-idea-2/ Wed, 16 Nov 2016 17:21:34 +0000 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/?p=6344 Auto inflatables is a self contained inflatable primitive that uses sodium bicarbonate and citric acid to create carbon dioxide. The gas inflates the previously flat bag to a cylinder- like shape.
this can be used in HCI for: shape changes, application of pressure/force, thermal insulation, volume and buoyancy change and many more.
different chemistries can be used to control the identity of the gas produced and it’s properties (flammable, inert etc.)
The main benefit of the system is that it is self contained and therefore doesn’t need an external source of air like a pump.
Potential interaction scenarios with the system are: a disposable bicycle helmet, immediate cast for first aid kits, inflatable cooler for drinks, scuba diving gear and many more.


The main advantage of this chemistry seems to be that is is a compact (portable) power-source for inflatables. What scenarios can it do that would be impossible to do, even as a prototype, if they weren’t so compact/portable/self-powered? The other advantage is that is it easily initiated by the user directly – no buttons etc. Does this have to be a binary on/off reaction, or can it be controlled continuously? However, I’m sure there are limitations for max speed, reversibility, max inflation, etc. What real-world scenarios make the most sense given the advantages and constraints? Esp. what interactions make this more compelling than just an inflatable counterpart to the glowstick or hand-warmer?


Udayan’s comments:

Autoinflation is an interesting phenomenon. However, from an interaction standpoint what does this bring to the table? Can you identify scenarios where autoinfltation matters?

Almost “realtime” inflation and buoyancy are interesting props, I think you should explore this. In case of life-vest, it makes sense to have a water triggered inflation to give buoyancy.

Another way to think about this is to see how to bring programmability to buoyancy across time.

H20Tone https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/2016/11/01/h20tone/ Tue, 01 Nov 2016 23:07:34 +0000 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/?p=6153 water1


Lily Gabaree, Alethea Campbell, Siya Takalkar, and Poseidon Ho



H20TONE is a remote shared experience and communication device, that pairs water and music in a new, organic language.

One unit would contain the visualization expression container, along with multiple input water bowls. Touching the water in each of the water bowls would make a peculiar sound corresponding to the frequency of the sound wave, which would create the related pattern at the other remotely located units. The speed of the movement would translate into amplitude of the wave.

Process and Mechanismssketch1

H20TONE started as the Fountain of Beats, a community resource and interactive art and atmosphere piece, in which a park fountain is responsive to the collective action of drum circle players. When played, each drum spurs a squirt of water from the basin, forming a fountain, given enough players and beats. Intensity of drumming increases the height of the fountain, and a variety of drums and beats produces varied and unique water displays. The spectacle grows with more participants. 

Our group’s initial meetings focused on developing the input, a set of drums that detect drumbeats and translate it into a visualization in Processing. We found that a piezoelectronic piezo1sensor was the most effective way of detecting drum strikes, as it is highly sensitive to vibrations. Secured the the underside of a drumskin, it can detect individual strikes, and the intensity of the strike. We met with a local drummer, who advised us on the acoustics of hand-drums and the mechanics of playing.drum2 


We were hoping to hack a fountain, to program particular water patterns in response to the drum input. Dissembling a small fountain speaker helped us figure out one possible mechanism for building a larger-scale version: a rotating motor compressing a small water trove, pushing it through holes and into the visualization chamber.



Sealing inflatables in the Tangible Media Group

While this work was in progress, we continued evaluating different possible outputs of the circle beyond water, including fire, sand, and air. Udayan gave us a tutorial about using the Pneudino and pumps, and making inflatables. We were considered making an inflatable shape that would be “conjured” by the drum circle, gradually inflating and distorting into unique shapes, depending on the rhythms played. As it turned out, creating adequate air pressure for a large inflatable public piece would require significant pump power. Udayan encouraged us to consider ways of making our interaction circular – having responsiveness on both ends, as opposed to pure visualization.
After our material explorations, we decided to stick with water, as it was pleasant to interact with, and seemed to naturally pair with music, public spaces, and the physical input of hand movement (a drum strike mirroring a water splash). We were particularly fascinated by the effect of wave frequencies on water and other liquids. One of our first experiments was with a mixed purple liquour that contained powdered mica, which formed unique patterns when frequencies were applied beneath.


After our conversation with Udayan, we decided to merge the interaction in one medium – water – as opposed to both drums and water. Water would act as both an instrument and a visualizer; it would be a communication device between individuals and groups.

To achieve this, we needed to make water react to touch. Our prototype system uses alligator clips and a Makey Makey circuit board, which allows the user to complete the circuit and activate a signal by touching the water in a vessel.input1

For output, we used a metal dish on top of a glass vibrating speaker, which was particularly suited to transmitting frequencies in the water. We staged an example of how this output might be realized on a large scale – as a fountain-sized vessel in a public space or village.


Finally, we found frequencies that were particularly interesting when transmitted through water, and used Processing to program the relationship between touching a vessel of water (input) and the resulting frequency being transmitted into the output vessel, forming distinct patterns.


The system currently works for small scale vessels, but we’ve modeled larger applications.


handprint https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/2016/10/05/handprint/ Wed, 05 Oct 2016 17:20:35 +0000 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/?p=5915 handprint is a medium through which people can write.

There are specific stations where people can go and write something short, ie a poem, quote, etc.  People in the same geolocation could go up to these stations to view these writings. The surface is blank at first, but once a person presses their hand into it, a piece of writing from someone else will show up. Since handprint is location-specific, people can get the sense of the local community as each station will be unique to the community around it.


Group 3 Design Exercise: Dog Leash https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/2016/09/22/group-3-design-exercise-dog-leash/ Thu, 22 Sep 2016 20:19:00 +0000 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/?p=5852 Jiabao Li, Amos Golan, Dan Levine, Jeremy Finch


https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/2016/09/22/5831/ Thu, 22 Sep 2016 16:50:08 +0000 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/?p=5831 I’m currently in my thesis year pursuing MFA in Interaction Design at Massachusetts College of Art and Design; I did my undergrad in computer science. I love designing, crafting and building interesting user experiences. My thesis and earlier projects are based upon extracting humans out of digital space and enabling tangible interactions using their bodies in physical space.

Email : shtakalkar@massart.edu

Portfolio Website : siyatakalkar.com

Tanuja Mishra https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/2016/09/21/tanuja-mishra/ Wed, 21 Sep 2016 13:01:21 +0000 https://courses.media.mit.edu/2016fall/mas834/?p=5771 I’m an artist and interaction designer who is studying “Art, Design and the Public Domain” at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. Through my work, I build critical interventions that question the impact of technologies in our day to day lives. My practice is based on research that is sometimes informed through history and theory and other times through fieldwork and ethnography. My medium of expression switches from old to new, ranging from ceramics and wood to electronics, code and projections. My projects have manifested in the form of sculptural installations, interactive visualizations and tangible, multi-sensory and ambient interactions.

