Introduction to the class & expectations
- Mandatory Readings
- Licklider – Man computer symbiosis (link)
- Doug Engelbart – Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework (link)
- Vanevar Bush – As we may think (link)
- Pattie Maes – Agents that reduce work and information overload
- Supplemental
- Andy Clark – Natural Born Cyborgs (book)
- Steve Mann – Cyborg: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer (book)
- Jaron Lanier – You are not a gadget (link)
Augmenting Memory
- Mandatory Readings
- Black Mirror S1E3: The Entire History of You (link)
- Sparrow – Google Effects on Memory: Cognitive Consequences of Having Information at Our Fingertips (link)
- WIRED – Microsoft Researcher Records His Life in Data (link)
- Supplemental
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory
- Rhodes – Remembrance agent (link)
- DeVaul – The Memory Glasses (link)
- Bell – Total Recall (book)
- Benedict Carey – How we learn (book)
- Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything (book)
- Erin Pontius – Exploring Emergent Technology: Memory Augmentation Implants (link)
- Aromatherapy for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Sensory substitution and augmentation
- Mandatory Readings
- Nagel, S. K., Carl, C., Kringe, T., Märtin, R., & König, P. (2005). Beyond sensory substitution–learning the sixth sense. Journal of Neural Engineering, 2(4), R13–26. (link)
- Auvray, M., Hanneton, S., Lenay, C., & O’Regan, K. (2005). There is something out there: distal attribution in sensory substitution, twenty years later. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 4(04), 505–521. (pdf)
- Deroy, O., & Auvray, M. (2012). Reading the world through the skin and ears: a new perspective on sensory substitution. Frontiers in Psychology, 3. (link)
- Supplemental
- Daniel Kish – How I use sonar to navigate the world (link)
- Kolarik et al – A summary of research investigating echolocation abilities of blind and sighted humans (link)
- Feelspace (link)
- Several references from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensory_substitution
- Schwartzman – See Yourself Sensing (link)
- Ortiz et al – Recruitment of Occipital Cortex during Sensory Substitution Training Linked to Subjective Experience of Seeing in People with Blindness (link)
- Thomson et al – Perceiving invisible light through a somatosensory cortical prosthesis (link)
- Ward and Meijer – Visual experiences in the blind induced by an auditory sensory substitution device (link)
- Ward and Wright – Sensory substitution as an artificially acquired synaesthesia (link)
- Uexküll, J. von, A stroll through the worlds of animals and men: A picture book of invisible worlds. Semiotica (Vol. 89). http://doi.org/10.1515/semi.1992.89.4.319
- F. A. Geldard, “Some neglected possibilities of communication.,” Science, vol. 131, no. 3413, pp. 1583–1588, May 1960.
- P. Bach-y-Rita, C. C. Collins, F. A. Saunders, B. White, and L. Scadden, “Vision Substitution by Tactile Image Projection,” Nature, vol. 221, no. 5184, pp. 963–964, Mar. 1969.
- P. Bach-y-Rita, “Tactile Sensory Substitution Studies,” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1013(1), pp. 83–91, Jan. 2006.
- Kaczmarek, K. A.. The tongue display unit (TDU) for electrotactile spatiotemporal pattern presentation. Scientia Iranica, 18(6), 1476–1485. 2011.
- D. R. Chebat, F. C. Schneider, R. Kupers, and M. Ptito, “Navigation with a sensory substitution device in congenitally blind individuals,” Neuroreport, 2011.
- J. K. O’Regan and A. Noë, “A sensorimotor account of vision and visual consciousness,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 939–973. 2001.
- J. K. O’Regan and A. Noë, “What it is like to see: A sensorimotor theory of perceptual experience,” Synthese, vol. 129, no. 1, pp. 79–103, 2001.
- S. K. Nagel, C. Carl, T. Kringe, R. Märtin, and P. König, “Beyond sensory substitution—learning the sixth sense,” Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 2, p. R13, 2005.
- S. K. Nagel, C. Carl, T. Kringe, R. Märtin, and P. König, “Beyond sensory substitution—learning the sixth sense,” Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 2, p. R13, 2005.
- S. E. Guttman, L. A. Gilroy, and R. Blake, “Hearing What the Eyes See,” Psychological Science, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 228–235, Mar. 2005.
- P. Meijer, “An experimental system for auditory image representations,” Biomedical Engineering, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 112–121, Feb. 1992.
- L. Merabet, L. Battelli, S. Obretenova, S. Maguire, P. Meijer and A. Pascual-Leone, “Functional Recruitment of Visual Cortex for sound encoded object identification in the Blind,” NeuroReport, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 132 – 138, January 2009
- E. Striem-Amit and A. Amedi, “Visual Cortex Extrastriate Body-Selective Area Activation in Congenitally Blind People ‘Seeing’ by Using Sounds,” Current Biology, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 687–692, Mar. 2014.
- E. E. Thomson, R. Carra, and M. A. L. Nicolelis, “Perceiving invisible light through a somatosensory cortical prosthesis,” Nature Communications, vol. 4, pp. 1482–, Feb. 2013.
- M. Auvray and E. Myin, “Perception with compensatory devices: from sensory substitution to sensorimotor extension,” Cognitive Science, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 1036–1058, 2009.
- Classen, Constance. The Deepest Sense: Studies in Sensory History. University of Illinois Press. Kindle Edition, Locations 468-471. 2012.
- M. Auvray, S. Hanneton, C. Lenay, and K. O’Regan, “There is something out there: distal attribution in sensory substitution, twenty years later,” Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 505–521, 2005.
- R. Held, Y. Ostrovsky, B. de Gelder, T. Gandhi, S. Ganesh, U. Mathur, and P. Sinha, “The newly sighted fail to match seen with felt,” Nature Neuroscience, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 551–553, May 2011.
- Davis, L. J., “The Disability Studies Reader, 2nd ed.” New York: Routledge, 2006.
- Additional
Motor augmentation and substitution
- Mandatory Readings
- Jaron Lanier – Homuncular Flexibility (link)
- Guterstam, A., Petkova, V. I., Ehrsson, H. The Illusion of Owning a Third Arm. PLoS ONE. 6 (2). 2011. (link)
- Hugh Herr – Exoskeletons and orthoses: classification, design challenges and future directions (link)
- Supplemental
- Stelarc – Third Hand / Exoskeleton (link)
- IKO Creative Prosthetic System (link)
- Hyungkoo Lee (link)
- Faye Wu, Harry Asada – “Hold-and-Manipulate” with a Single Hand Being Assisted by Wearable Extra Fingers. In Proc. ICRA ’15 (link)
- Machine to be another (link)
- Beetle wrestler (link)
- Pedro Lopes, Alexandra Ion, Patrick Baudisch – Impacto: Simulating Physical Impact by Combining Tactile Stimulation with Electrical Muscle Stimulation. In Proc. UIST ’15 (link)
- Pedro Lopes, Patrik Jonell, Patrick Baudisch. Affordance++: Allowing Objects to Communicate Dynamic Use. In Proc. CHI ’15 (link)
- Emi Tamaki, Miyaki Takashi, Jun Rekimoto – PossessedHand: techniques for controlling human hands using electrical muscles stimuli. In Proc. CHI ’11. (link)
Brain Interfaces
- Mandatory Readings
- Supplemental
Students present a design exercise related to the first 4 weeks
- Buxton – sketching user experiences
- Don Norman – The Design of Everyday Things
Student Presentations:
Empathy Machine- Dishita and Scott (link)
AlterEgo- Arnav, Marc, Oscar (link)
Transposed Sensoriums- Ani, Thomas (link)
Luke Wang (link)
PneuSkin- Ricardo and Cagri (link)
Brain Computer Intelligent Loop- Andres (link)
Synesthetic Interfaces- Athina and Harpreet (link)
Changing thought patterns and behavioral habits
- Mandatory Readings
- BJ Fogg – Persuasive technology (pdf)
- Daniel Kahneman – Maps of Bounded Rationality – A Perspective on Intuitive Judgement and Choice (pdf)
- Bailey, J.O., Bailenson, J.N., Flora, J., Armel, K.C., Voelker, D., & Reeves, B. – The impact of vivid and personal messages on reducing energy consumption related to hot water use. (pdf)
- Supplemental
- Yee, N., Bailenson, J.N. – The Proteus Effect: Self Transformations in Virtual Reality (pdf)
- PRI.org – How advances in virtual reality will change how we work and communicate (link)
- Dweck – Growth mindset
- Kanneman – Thinking fast & slow
- David Eagleman – Incognito
- Pavlok (link)
The potential of subliminal interfaces: Exploiting the science of physical intelligence
- Mandatory Readings
- Andreas Riener, Guido Kempter, Timo Saari, and Kenneth Revett – Subliminal Communication in Human-Computer Interaction (pdf)
- Thalma Lobel – Sensation (link) (link to intro) (contact TAs for physical copy)
- Supplemental
- Mlodinow – Subliminal: how your unconscious mind rules your behavior (link)
- Russel Foster TED Talk (link)
- Movie: Inception
- Horiwaka, T. – Neural Decoding of Visual Imagery During Sleep (link)
- Susanne Diekelmann, Jan Born – The Memory function of Sleep. (link)
- Anat Arzi, Limor Shedlesky, Mor Ben-Shaul, Khitam Nasser, Arie Oksenberg, Ilana S Hairston, and Noam Sobel – Humans can learn new information during sleep. (link)
- Robert Stickgold – To sleep: perchance to learn (link)
- Marcello Spinella – Relationship between smell identification and empathy (link)
- Anat Arzi, Yael Holtzman, Perry Samnon, Neetai Eshel, Edo Harel, and Noam Sobel – Olfactory Aversive Conditioning during Sleep reduces cigarette-smoking behavior (link)
- Jasper H. B. de Groot, Monique A. M. Smeets, Annemarie Kaldewaij, Maarten J. A. Duijndam and
Gün R. Semin – Chemosignals Communicate Human Emotions (link) - Smiljana Mutic, Valentina Parma, Yvonne F. Brünner and Jessica Freiherr – You Smell Dangerous: Communicating Fight Responses Through Human Chemosignals of Aggression. (link)
- “Hacking into your happy chemicals: Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins and Oxytocin”. (link)
- Are Humans Pheromones real? (link)
- Masashi Nakatani – http://www.merkel.jp/
Second design exercise
Symbioses in Science Fiction
- Her (2013)
- Nathan Shedroff, Christopher Noessel – Make it So (link)
- HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HAL_9000
- The Veldt/The World that the Children Made
- David Cronenberg – eXistenZ
- Spike Jonze and Charlie Kaufman – Being John Malkovich
- Ex Machina (2015)
- Lord of the Rings
- Gattaca (1997)
- sight (link)
- Joseph Ruben – Dreamscape
- Tomorrowland (2015)
- Memento (2000)
- Lucy (2014)
- The man who changed his mind (1936)
- Lathe of heaven
- Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy
Augmenting expression
Hybrid creativity: human-machine artists
Guest lecture: Harshit Agrawal & Tal Achituv
- Margaret A. Boden – CREATIVITY IN A NUTSHELL (pdf)
Final project presentations