Here is extensive material provided by Eduardo Miranda in preparation for our March 9th class on “Music, Algorithms and Biocomputers”. Miranda’s work is quite diverse, so we’ll be covering a variety of areas that day, reflected in this material. We have indicated below the priorities for absorbing this material before class. Enjoy!
A) Journal papers on Miranda’s work. Please take a look at all of these before the March 9 class:
Anders, T. and Miranda, E. R. (2009). “Interfacing Manual and Machine Composition”. Contemporary Music Review, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 133-147.
Miranda, E. R. (2004). “At the Crossroads of Evolutionary Computation and Music: Self-Programming Synthesizers, Swarm Orchestras and the Origins of Melody”, Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 137-158.
Miranda, E. R., Kirby, S. and Todd, P. (2003). “On Computational Models of the Evolution of Music: From the Origins of Musical Taste to the Emergence of Grammars”, Contemporary Music Review, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 91-111.
Miranda, E. R. (2015). “Music Neurotechnology: From Music of the Spheres to Music of the Hemispheres”, Symmetry: Culture and Science, 26(3):353-378.
Braund, E. and Miranda, E. (2015). “BioComputer Music: Generating Musical Responses with Physarum polycephalum-based Memristors”. Proceedings of 11th Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR): Music, Mind, and Embodiment. Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK
B) Miranda recommends this excellent survey on survey on “Good Old Fashioned AI” & Music. He will touch on this topic on March 9, but this paper provides excellent background for our March 16 discussion as well.
C) Two videos about Miranda’s work. He will cover this material in class, but will only be showing excerpts of these; check out the full videos here if you want:
D) These are musical compositions by Miranda, same situation: he will be sharing some excerpts but you could hear the full pieces here:
E) Here are 3 books on Music, AI and A-Life that Miranda either wrote, edited or contributed to. They are all available at the MIT Library if you wanted to consult them. They are pretty authoritative!
Readings in Music and Artificial Intelligence
Understanding Music with AI: Perspectives on Music Cognition
A-Life for Music: Music and Computer Models of Living Systems