
Projects in Music and Media (MAS 826J, 3-3-6)
Professor Tod Machover
Spring term 2016

Wednesday 2:00-4:30 pm in E14-493


Feb. 3 – Intro: Music & The Future: Tod Machover

Feb. 10 – Music, Boulez & Bowie: Tod Machover and Evan Ziporyn

Feb. 17 – Music & Neuroscience: Psych Loui and Sarah Platte

Feb. 24 – Music & Microbes: David Kong and Tod Machover

March 2 –  Music & Space (real and virtual): Nicole L’Huillier and Thomas Sanchez Lengeling (with Ben Fry and Ge Wang)

March 9 – Music, Brain Interfaces & Biocomputers: Eduardo Reck Miranda and Akito van Troyer

 March 16 – Music, Minsky and the Future of AI: Ben Bloomberg and Tod Machover (with Danny Hillis)

March 23 – Spring Break (dream up projects)

** Luigi Nono events at Tufts; field trip to NYC **

March 30 – Music & Memory: Josh McDermott and Tod Machover 

April 6 – Music & Animals: David Rothenberg and Rebecca Kleinberger

[April 13 – ML member meeting] – no class; individual project meetings

April 20 – Music, Gaming & VR: Alex Rigopulos, Ge Wang and Charles Holbrow

** Participation in IRCAM Residency at BU, including Culminating Concert at the ICA **

April 27 – Project Discussion

May 4 – Project Discussion

May 11 – Final Performance/Presentations


Throughout the semester, we will also be looking for interesting and unusual events in the Boston area that we might attend as a group or in subgroups. Everyone should feel free to scout for interesting events and to let the class know about them. A new software app called TRILL (currently in beta) might be a useful tool for finding events. Download this link if you want, and “trust” the software in order to use it. Full instructions here.