darle – Tangible Interfaces http://m834.media.mit.edu Just another MIT Media Lab Sites site Mon, 11 Dec 2017 00:33:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.0.3 Darle Shinsato http://m834.media.mit.edu/2017/09/24/darle-shinsato/ Sun, 24 Sep 2017 18:14:57 +0000 http://mas834.media.mit.edu/?p=7047
Hi all!  My name is Darle Shinsato, and I am a first year SMArchS Architectural Design candidate at MIT.  My area of research addresses the spatial awareness that occurs at the intersection of the virtual and physical public spheres. Much of my interest deals with the capabilities of the online sphere to manifest itself in our built environment and the theory behind the applications of this technology.   Ultimately, my goal is to use the knowledge I gain from this class to inform my research in the coming year.
