Score: John Cage – Fontana Mix
The Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century
by Alex Ross
Picador 2008
* will be distributed to all confirmed class members
Sound Art: Sound as a Medium of Art
Peter Weibel, Editor
MIT Press 2019
* 3 copies purchased for class; to be shared – located in Mezzanine/4th floor of Opera of the Future
The MIT Lewis Music Library contains quite an extensive collection of books, recordings and musical scores
of all the composers we will be studying this semester, and especially for Stockhausen, Boulez, Xenakis and
Cage. The library provides excellent facilities for listening to music carefully, and the scores by these
composers are extraordinary and very rare. If you contact music librarian Forrest Larson at twiggy@mit.edu
and tell him you are taking this class, he will be delighted and enthusiastic to share the library’s extraordinary
collection with you. Take a look, especially, at Stockhausen and Cage scores, truly incredible in different
ways: in Stockhausen for the precision with which he notates electronic music, and in Cage for the careful
freedom that he affords to interpreters.
CD Collection – Opera of the Future (rich in Stockhausen, Boulez, Xenakis, Cage and more)
Available to borrow and burn; please return!
As it happens, many of our CD’s (some of which are quite rare) have already been digitized and included
in the Media Lab’s streaming service, Otto. You can access Otto to find many of the most important
recordings of Stockhausen, Boulez, Xenakis, Cage and countless others, all online and easily available.
If you have any trouble accessing Otto, please contact one of the class TA’s so they can arrange for
Course website, spf.media.mit.edu
Course alias, spf@media.mit.edu
Tod Machover, tod@media.mit.edu
Karsten Schuhl, karstens@mit.edu
Manaswi Mishra, manaswim@mit.edu
Hannah Lienhard, hrl@mit.edu
Course producer:
Priscilla Capistrano, priscill@media.mit.edu