MAS 712: Technological Tools for Learning

Assignment for February 27, 1997

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Experiment with several pieces of ALife-related software. Be ready to discuss what you think people learn by using the software, and what you would change to improve the software. Also, be ready to discuss the similarities and differences among various pieces of ALife software. How would you classify them into categories?

You can find sample ALife software in several places. Some examples are linked to the related Web sites page. Other examples are on computers in the Pond (room 320). On the Macs, look for the Fishtank folder in the Apple menu. On the PCs, look for the MAS712 folder. Also, Florence Williams (room 318, outside my office) has CD-ROMs and manuals.

Also, make sure to read the "sample scripts" for the Virtual Fishtank (handed out in class) and be ready to critique them -- and offer alternatives.