MAS 712: Technological Tools for Learning
Tentative Schedule and Readings

Mitchel Resnick (
Spring 1997, Thursday, 1:00-3:00, E15-054 (MIT Media Lab)

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Note: The schedule and readings are likely to change during the semester.

February 6: Introduction and Overview

February 13: Beyond the Centralized Mindset

February 20: Artificial Life

February 27: Ecological Learning Environments

March 6: Rethinking Simulations

March 13: System Dynamics

March 20: Participatory Simulations (Guest presenter: Rick Borovoy)

March 27: No class (spring vacation)

April 3: Status reports on final projects

April 10: Social Ecologies

April 17: Memes

April 24: Artificial Societies

May 1: Internet as Ecology

May 8: Ecological Models of Mind

May 15: Final Project Presentations