Mathematical Commands, Camera and Movie Commands,
List Commands, Plotting Commands,
Turtle and Patch Commands, Observer Commands,
Looping Commands, Breed Commands, Control Structure Commands,
Import/Export Commands, File Commands,
Miscellaneous Commands
All of these operators take two inputs, and all act as "infix operators" (going between the
two inputs, as in standard mathematical use).
Note: ^ (exponentiation) is currently implemented only for the observer.
abs number
Reports the absolute value of number.
fd abs -7
(Turtles move forward 7 steps.)
boolean1 and boolean2
Reports true if both boolean1 and boolean2 are true. Note that and
is "infix": it comes between its two inputs.
if (ycor > 0) and (xcor > 0) [setpc blue]
(The upper-right quadrant of patches turn blue.)
atan y x
(Both x and y must be numbers)
Reports the arctangent, in degrees (from 0 to 360), of y divided by x. (Note: atan
is accurate to only one or two decimal places.)
show atan 1 -1
(Prints 135.0 to the command center.)
show atan -1 1
(Prints 315.0 to the command center.)
bitand number1 number2
bitor number1 number2
bitneg number
bitxor number1 number2
bitand reports the bitwise and of its two inputs. bitor reports the
bitwise or of its two inputs. bitneg reports the bitwise negation of
its input. bitxor takes the bitwise xor of two numbers as inputs.
(For best results, inputs should be limited to 16-bit integers.)
cos angle
Reports the cosine of angle. Assumes angle is given in degrees.
show cos 180
(Prints -1.0 in the command center.)
exp number
Reports the value of e raised to the number power.
int number
Reports the largest integer less than or equal to number.
ln number
Reports the natural logarithm of number.
max number1 number2
Returns the maximum of the two numbers.
32767.99998 (or 32767 65535/65536)
min number1 number2
Returns the minimum of the two numbers.
number1 mod number2
Reports number1 modulo number2: that is, the remainder when number1
is divided by number2. Note that mod is "infix": it comes between its two inputs.
show 62 mod 5
(Prints 2 to the command center.)
not boolean
Reports true if boolean evaluates to false. Reports false
if boolean evaluates to true.
if not color = blue [fd 10]
(All non-blue turtles move forward 10 steps.)
boolean1 or boolean2
Reports true if either boolean1 or boolean2 evaluates to true.
Note that or is "infix": it comes between its two inputs.
if (xcor > 0) or (ycor > 0) [setpc red]
(All patches turn red, except those in the lower-left quadrant.)
random number
Reports an integer between 0 and number, including 0 but not number.
round number
Reports the integer nearest to number.
sin angle
Reports the sine of angle. Assumes angle is given in degrees.
sqrt number
Reports the square root of number.
tan angle
Reports the tangent of angle. Assumes angle is given in degrees.
xor boolean1 boolean2
Reports the value of boolean1 xor boolean2.
Reports a number between 0 and 100, indicating the brightness of the camera used
with the click command.
Initializes QuickTime-compatible camera plugged into computer. (Camera can be
used to import images into StarLogo patches. See click.)
camera-click patch-variable
Grabs an image from QuickTime-compatible camera and puts a gray-scale version
of the image in given patch-variable. If image is larger than the screen size,
takes the middle of the image. (You must initialize the camera with camera-init.)
camera-set-brightness number
Sets the brightness of the camera used with the click command. The input number
must be between 0 and 100.
Stops recording a StarLogo movie and saves it. The movie is created in PICS format.
Captures another frame in the current movie. See setup-movie.
open-movie file-name
Sets up for StarLogo to create a new movie called file-name. The movie is created
in PICS format.
setup-movie "ants
(Sets up a movie called ants.)
Reports the value of list with its first element removed.
butlast, bl list
Reports the value of list with its last element removed.
empty? list
Reports true if list is the empty list; false otherwise.
first list
Reports the first element of list.
fput item list
(first put)
Reports the value of list with item inserted as its first element.
item item-number list
Reports item item-number of list. Note that numbering of list items starts at 0, not 1.
last list
Reports the last item of list.
length list
Reports the length of list.
list item1 item2
Reports a new list with item1 as its first element, item2 as its second element.
list? thing
Reports true if thing is a list; false otherwise.
lput item list
(last put)
Reports the value of list with item inserted as its last element.
member? item list
Reports true if item is an element of list; false otherwise.
position item list
Reports the first position of item in the list; if item is not in
the list, reports false.
sentence, se list1 list2
Reports a new list composed of elements of list1 and the elements of list2.
Clears everything drawn by all plot pens, and resets all pens.
plot y-value
Plots a point at y-value, then increments the x-value of the plot pen. The pen does
nothing if it is already located at the right edge of the graph.
plot-point x-value y-value
Plots a point at (x-value, y-value). plot-point is useful for creating
state-space plots.
Report the minimum and maximum values of the axes on the plot. These values
can be set with
the commands setplot-xrange and setplot-yrange.
plot-pen1, pp1
Also: pp2, plot-pen2, ..., pp6, plot-pen6
Selects plot pen number 1. Subsequent plotting commands are executed by plot pen 1.
Similarly, the commands pp2 through pp6 select the other plot pens.
plot-pencolor, ppc
Reports the color of the plot pen. See section 3 for discussion of StarLogo colors.
plot-pendown, ppd
Puts down the plot pen, so that it draws connected graphs.
Reports the x-interval distance that the plot pen moves after a plot command. You
can make the plot pen move less than a pixel, or jump many pixels.
plot-penup, ppu
Lifts up the plot pen, so that it plots points individually (not connected).
plot-penreset, ppreset
Clears everything plot pen has drawn and resets its x-coordinate to 0.
Reports the x-coordinate of the plot pen.
Reports the y-coordinate of the plot pen.
setplot-pencolor, setppc color
Sets the color of the plot pen to color. See section 3 for discussion of StarLogo
setppinterval number
Tells the plot pen to move number distance in the x-direction after each plot
setplot-xrange min max
setplot-yrange min max
Sets the minimum and maximum values of the axes of the plot.
setplot-xlabel title
setplot-ylabel title
Sets title as the label along the axes of the plot.
setup-movie file-name
Sets up for StarLogo to create a new movie called file-name. The movie is created
in PICS format.
setup-movie "ants
(Sets up a movie called ants.)
alive? reports true if the turtle is alive. alive?-of reports true if turtle with the
given ID-number is alive.
bk number
Moves turtles backward by number steps.
breed-of id-number
breed-at xcor ycor img src="../images/observer.gif">
Reports the breed of the turtle.
Tells turtles to die.
if pc = red [die]
(All turtles on red patches die.)
distance x-coordinate y-coordinate
distance-nowrap x-coordinate y-coordinate
Reports the distance to the point (x-coordinate, y-coordinate)
With distance, turtles and patches use the "wrapped distance" (around the edges of the
screen) if that distance is shorter than the "onscreen distance." With distance-nowrap,
turtles and patches always use the onscreen distance.
if (distance 0 0) > 10 [setc green]
(All turtles more than 10 units from the center of the screen turn green.)
dx reports the x-increment if the turtle were to take one step forward. dy reports
the y-increment if the turtle were to take one step forward. These primitives are useful
for "testing" the patch ahead of the turtle before moving.
forward, fd number
Moves turtles forward by number steps.
hatch procedure-list
Each turtle creates a new turtle, identical to itself, and tells the new turtle to
execute procedure-list.
hatch [lt 45] hatch [rt 45]
(Each turtle creates two new turtles, one angled to the left, one angled to the right.)
heading-of ID-number
heading reports the heading of the turtle. Heading 0 is due north, 90 is east, as so on.
heading-of reports the heading of the turtle with the given ID-number.
Moves the turtle to the middle of the screen, at coordinates (0, 0).
hideturtle, ht
Hides the turtle, so that it is invisible.
jump number
Moves turtles forward by number units in one "big step" (in one unit of time).
This command is useful for synchronizing turtle movements. The command fd 15 takes
15 times longer to execute than fd 1, but jump 15 executes in the same time
as jump 1 or fd 1.
left, lt number
Turns turtles left by number degrees.
patchcolor, pc
pc-at dx dy
pc reports the color number of a patch.
pc-at reports the color of the patch (dx, dy) units away.
if pc = white [fd 20]
(All turtles on top of white patches move forward 20 steps.)
if pc = red [setpc blue]
(All red patches turn blue.)
pendown, pd
Puts down the turtle's pen, so that the turtle draws (leaves a trail) when it moves.
The turtle draws by changing the color of the patches underneath it to its own color.
To change the color of the turtle¹s pen (and the color of the turtle itself), use setc.
Reports if the pen is down.
pstamp color
pstamp-at dx dy color
pstamp sets the color of all turtles in the patch to color.
pstamp-at is used by a patch to set the color of turtles in the patch (dx, dy)
units away.
penup, pu
Lifts up the turtle's pen, so that the turtle doesn't draw when it moves. To put down
the turtle's pen, use pd (for pen down).
psetshape number
Patch sets the shape of one of the turtles on top of it to number.
psetshape-of turtle# number
Patch sets the shape of turtle turtle# to number.
psetshape-at dx dy number
Patch sets the shape of all turtles on the patch dx dy away from it to number.
right rt number
Turns turtles right by number degrees.
scale-color color variable min max
scale-pc color variable min max
(scale patch color)
Sets the color (for each turtle for scale-color, for each patch for scale-pc)
to a shade of color proportional to its value of variable. The larger the
variable, the lighter the shade of color. If variable is greater than max,
color is close to white. If variable is less than min, the color is black.
scale-color red age 0 50
(Colors each turtle a shade of red proportional to its value for the variable age.)
scale-color green chemical 0 50
(Colors each patch a shade of green proportional to its value for the variable chemical.)
setcolor, setc color
setc-of ID-number color
setc-at dx dy color
setc sets turtle's color to the given color. See section 3 for discussion
of StarLogo colors.
setc-of sets the color of the turtle with the given ID-number.
setc-at is used by a turtle to set the color of turtles in the patch (dx, dy)
units away.
setc red
(Each turtle turns red.)
seth-of turtle# heading
Turtle sets the heading of turtle turtle#.
setheading, seth number
(set heading)
Sets the heading of turtles to number. Heading 0 is due north, 90 is east, and so on.
setpatchcolor, setpc color
setpc-at dx dy color
setpc sets patch's color to the given color. See section 3 for discussion
of StarLogo colors.
setpc-at is used by a patch to set the color of the patch (dx, dy) units away.
setpc green
(Each patch turns green.)
setxcor, setx number
Sets the x-coordinate of turtles to number.
setxy number1 number2
Sets the x-coordinate of turtles to number1 and the y-coordinate of turtles to
setxy 0 0
(All turtles move to the center of the screen.)
setycor, sety number
Sets the y-coordinate of turtles to number.
setxy-of turtle# xcor ycor
Turtle sets the xcor and ycor of turtle turtle#.
setx-of turtle# xcor
Turtle sets the xcor of turtle turtle#.
sety-of turtle# ycor
Turtle sets the ycor of turtle turtle#.
Reports the shape of the turtle.
showturtle, st
Makes the turtle visible. (Turtle can be hidden with the command ht.)
sprout list
Patch creates a turtle which runs list.
stamp color
stamp-at dx dy color
stamp sets the color of the patch under the turtle to the given color.
See section 3 for discussion of StarLogo colors.
stamp-at is used by a turtle to set the color of the patch (dx, dy) units away.
towards x-coordinate y-coordinate
towards-nowrap x-coordinate y-coordinate
Reports the direction from the turtle towards the point (x-coordinate, y-coordinate).
If the "wrapped distance" (around the edges of the screen) is shorter than the "onscreen
distance," towards will report the direction of the wrapped path, while
towards-nowrap will report the direction of the onscreen path.
turtle-at x-offset y-offset
better to use: one-of-turtles-at
Reports the ID-number of another turtle in the patch that is x-offset away in the
x-direction and y-offset away in the y-direction. If there are several turtles in
the patch, an arbitrary (other) turtle is picked.
If used by a patch, and there are no turtles in the indicated patch, reports -1. If used by
a turtle, and there are no other turtles in the indicated patch, reports -1.
better to use: one-of-turtles-here
Reports the ID-number of another turtle in the same patch. If there are several turtles in
the patch, an arbitrary (other) turtle is picked.
If used by a patch, and there are no turtles in the patch, reports -1. If used by a turtle,
and there are no other turtles in the patch, reports -1.
turtles-at x-offset y-offset
better to use: count-turtles-at
Reports the number of turtles in the patch that is x-offset away in the x-direction
and y-offset away in the y-direction.
better to use: count-turtles-here
Reports the number of turtles in the patch.
Reports the ID-number of the turtle.
if who < 50 [setc blue]
(Makes 50 of the turtles blue.)
xcor-of ID-number
xcor reports the x-coordinate of a turtle or a patch.
xcor-of reports the x-coordinate of the turtle with the given ID-number.
sety xcor
(Sets turtles¹ y-coordinate to equal x-coordinate, so that all turtles move to the line y=x.)
ycor-of ID-number
ycor reports the y-coordinate of a turtle or a patch.
ycor-of reports the y-coordinate of the turtle with the given ID-number.
setpc ycor
(Displays the StarLogo color table as horizontal bands.)
Kills all turtles, sets the color of all patches to black, and clears the Plot Window.
(clear commands)
Deletes all text in the command center.
cleargraphics, cg
(clear graphics)
Sets the color of all patches to black.
create-turtles, crt number
Creates number new turtles. New turtles start at position (0, 0). [Explain initial color and headings.]
diffuse variable number
Tells each patch to share a portion (number) of the value of variable with its eight
neighboring patches. number should be between 0 and 1.
diffuse chemical 0.5
(Each patch diffuses 0.5 of its variable chemical to its neighboring 8 patches.)
Returns true if turtle is hidden.
nsum variable1 variable2
(neighbor sum)
nsum4 variable1 variable2
(neighbor sum 4)
For each patch, sums the values of variable1 in the surrounding patches and puts
the resulting sum in variable2. nsum4 uses four neighboring patches (north,
east, west, south), while nsum uses eight neighboring patches (including diagonals).
nsum chemical temp
(Each patch sums the values of chemical in the eight neighboring patches and puts
the resulting sum in the variable temp.)
inspect turtle#
Pops up a turtle monitor for the numbered turtle. If the turtle is dead
it returns an error.
osetbreed-of turtle# number
Observer sets the breed of turtle# to number. If the turtle is dead, it
returns an error.
osetbreed-at xcor ycor number
Observer sets the breed of all turtles at xcor, ycor to number.
osetc-of turtle# number
Observer sets the color of turtle# to number. If the turtle is dead, it
returns an error.
oseth-of turtle# number
Observer sets the heading of turtle# to number. if the turtle is dead, it
returns an error.
osetpc-at xcor ycor number
Observer sets the pc of patch at xcor ycor to number.
osetshape-of turtle# number
Observer sets the shape of turtle# to number. If the turtle is dead, it
returns an error.
osetshape-at xcor ycor number
Observer sets the shape of all turtles at xcor, ycor to number.
hidden?-of turtle#
Reports the hidden status of turtle turtle#. If the turtle is dead, it
returns an error.
osetx-of turtle# xcor
Observer sets the xcor of turtle turtle#. If the turtle is dead, it returns
an error.
osety-of turtle# ycor
Observer sets the ycor of turtle turtle#. If the turtle is dead, it returns
an error.
osetxy-of turtle# xcor ycor
Observer sets the xcor and ycor of turtle turtle#. If the turtle is dead,
it returns an error.
Reports the number of turtles with the color number. Names of colors can be used
(since they evaluate to corresponding color numbers).
show color-count red
(Prints the number of red turtles.)
count-color-range color1 color2
or: count-turtles-with[color >= color1 and color <= color2]
Counts how many turtles have a color between color1 and color2.
count-pc-range color1 color2
Counts how many patches have a color between color1 and color2.
count-turtles-with list
Reports the number of turtles.
count-turtles-with counts the number of turtles with list where
list is true.
max-of-turtles[var], max-of-patches[var] variable
Reports the maximum value of variable (over all turtles or patches).
variable can be either a patch variable or a turtle variable.
show max-of-turtle[age]
(Prints the maximum value for the variable age over all turtles.)
max-of-turtles list
max-of-frogs list
max-of-patches list
Returns the max value of turtles of proc list.
If there are no frogs/turtles/patches, returns minnum.
max-of-turtles-with list1 list2
max-of-frogs-with list1 list2
max-of-patches-with list1 list2
Returns max of turtles/frogs/patches with list1 true of list2.
If nothing satisfies list1 returns minnum.
min-of-turtles[var], min-of-patches[var] variable
Reports the minimum value of variable (over all turtles or patches).
variable can be either a patch variable or a turtle variable.
show min-of-turtle[age]
(Prints the minimum value for the variable age over all turtles.)
min-of-turtles-with ilist1 ilist2
Reports the minimum value of ilist2 over all turtles who satisfy ilist1.
min-of-patches-with ilist1 ilist2
Reports the minimum value of ilist2 over all patches who satisfy ilist1.
Reports who of turtle running the max-of-turtle command.
one-of-turtles-at xcor ycor
one-of-turtles-with list
Picks a random turtle that satisfies one of the four conditions.
count-pc color
(patch color count)
better to use: count-patches-with[color=number]
show pc-count green
(Prints the number of green patches.)
sum-of-turtles[var], sum-of-patches[var]variable
Reports the sum of the values of variable over all turtles (or over all patches,
if variable is a patch variable).
show sum-of-turtles[age]
(Prints the sum of all of the turtles' ages.)
Reports the total number of turtles.
who-max-of-turtles list
who-max-of-turtles-with list1 list2
Reports who of turtle with max value of list. If none, it reports -1.
Ask all the turtles whose breed is frog to do list.
or: if breed = frogs list
breed-of id-number
breed-at xcor ycor
Reports the breed of the turtle.
count-frogs-with list
Reports the number of frogs.
count-frogs-with counts the number of frogs with list where
list is true.
create-frogs number
Creates number new frogs.
Returns a random frog turtle#.
Returns a random frog on your spot.
one-of-frogs-at xcor ycor
Reports the turtle# of a frog at xcor, ycor. If no turtle, returns -1.
one-of-frogs-at dx dy
Reports the turtle# of a frog at dx,dy. if no turtle, returns -1.
one-of-frogs-with ilist
Returns a frog turtle# where ilist is true. If no turtle, returns -1.
who-max-of-frogs list
who-max-of-frogs-with list1 list2
Reports who of frogs with max value of list. If none, it reports -1.
who-min-of-frogs ilist
Reports the turtle# who has the minimum value of ilist over all frogs.
Executes procedure-list every number seconds. Can be used only inside of
a "forever button."
if predicate procedure-list
If predicate evaluates to true, then execute procedure-list.
if xcor > 0 [setc blue]
(Turtles on the right half of the screen turn blue.)
ifelse predicate proc-list1 proc-list2
If predicate evaluates to true, then execute proc-list1. If
predicate evaluates to false, then execute proc-list2.
Predicate may have different values for different objects, so some objects may
execute consequent-procedure while others execute alternate-procedure.
ifelse xcor > 0 [setpc blue] [setpc red]
(The left half of the screen turns red and the right half turns blue.)
ifelse-report boolean ilist1 ilist2
If boolean is true, executes ilist1 and returns its value.
If boolean is false, executes ilsit2 and returns its value.
output thing
Does a non-local exit from the current procedure and returns anything to the
You cannot call this from the command center.
repeat number procedure-list
Executes procedure-list number times.
pd repeat 36 [fd 1 rt 10]
(Each turtle draws a circle.)
Exits immediately from the current procedure.
wait number
Waits for number seconds.
Deletes all text in the output window.
better to use: export-output
Saves the output window to a file.
Sets the file to which the StarLogo output window is saved (when you execute the
save-output command). set-output-filename does not take any inputs;
it pops up a dialog box from which you select the file.
Reports the current directory that the starlogo application is in.
Reports the directory that the current project is in. If there is no
named project then it returns false.
Reports the current project file name. (without the pathname).
If there is no named project, then it returns false.
Saves the current project to the file. Equivalent to doing command-s or
hitting the save project menu item.
Pops up a dialog and lets the user pick a directory. It returns
the directory that the user picked, or false if he hit the cancel button.
Pops up a dialog and lets the user pick a file. It returns
the file (full pathname) that the user picked, or false if he hit the
cancel button.
Pops up a dialog and lets the user create a new file name. It returns
the filename (full pathname) that the user picked, or false if he hit the
cancel button.
export-turtles filename
Saves the turtles to a file.
export-patches filename
Saves the patches to a file.
export-turtles-and-patches filename
Saves the turtles and the patches to a file.
Loads turtles from a file. Lets the user pick the file from a file dialog.
Loads patches from a file. Lets the user pick the file from a file dialog.
Loads turtles and patches from a file. Lets the user pick the file from a
file dialog.
color reports the color of a turtle.
If used by a patch, color reports the color of the turtle on the patch. If there are
several turtles on the patch, it arbitrarily chooses one of them. If there are no turtles
on the patch, it reports the patch¹s color.
color-of reports the color of the turtle with the given ID-number.
color-at reports the color of a turtle in the patch (dx, dy) units away. If
there are several turtles on the patch, it arbitrarily chooses one. If there are no turtles
on the patch, it reports the patch¹s color.
if color = white [fd 20]
(Moves all white turtles forward 20 steps.)
Turns on the StarLogo graphics display. (It is sometimes useful to turn off the
display to improve performance.)
Turns off the StarLogo graphics display. (It is sometimes useful to turn off the display
to improve performance.)
load-pict filename patch-variable
Takes a graphic image (in PICT format) from the given filename and loads a
gray-scale version of the image into the given patch-variable. Resizes the image
to fit in the StarLogo graphics window. (filename is from the directory from which
StarLogo was launched.)
Reports if the mouse button is down. (If the mouse is outside of the StarLogo graphics
window, always reports false.)
mouse-xcor reports the StarLogo x-coordinate of the mouse. mouse-ycor
reports the StarLogo y-coordinate of the mouse. (If the mouse is outside of the StarLogo
graphics window, these procedures report values on the border of the window.)
print thing
Prints thing in the output window (with a carriage return). See also: type
If you want to print a string with special characters (like a space), enclose the string
in vertical bars (e.g. print "|New York|).
reset-timer, resett
Resets global clock to zero.
Reports the maximum x-coordinate (and maximum y-coordinate). This is the "half width"
of the StarLogo world. (The full width is actually (2 * screen-edge) + 1.)
Reports the width (or height) of the StarLogo world. (In the current version, the StarLogo
world is always a square, so the width and height are always the same.) You can change the
size by changing the starlogo.patch file (see section 1.4).
show thing
Prints thing in the command center.
Prints current value of the global clock in seconds.
type thing
Prints thing in the output window (without a carriage return). See also: print
If you want to print a string with special characters (like a space), enclose the string in
vertical bars.
type "|Number of turtles: | type turtle-total
(Prints something like Number of turtles: 247 in the output window)
word thing, thing
Concatenates the two inputs together and returns the result (as a symbol).
word "a "b
=> "ab
load-pict (word starlogo-directory "traffic.pict) foo
loads the picture traffic.pict (which is in the starlogo application
director) into patch variable foo.