The problem & datasets


We are given a training set of 1997 128 x 128 8-bit gray scale photos of faces, and a testing set of 1996 similar photos. We are also given two ascii files with descriptions of these faces in a standard format, which contains (or implies) entries for nine fields of information, which can take values from a predetermined discrete set. I will from now on call these fields “labels”, their index numbers “label indices”, and their content “label values”. These labels, together with their allowable values are:


LABELS                                             VALUES                                                                    N VALUES

labels{1} = 'gender';                          values{1,i} = ’male, female’                                      (2)

labels{2} = 'age';                                values{2,i} = ’child, teen, adult, senior’                    (4)

labels{3} = 'race';                               values{3,i} = ’white, black, asian, hispanic, other’ (5)

labels{4} = 'expression';                   values{4,i} = ’serious, smiling, funny’                      (3)

labels{5} = 'moustache';                   values{5,i} = ’a, no’                                                    (2)

labels{6} = 'beard';                            values{6,i} = ’a, no’                                                    (2)      

labels{7} = 'glasses';                         values{7,i} = ’a, no’                                                    (2)

labels{8} = 'bandana';                       values{8,i} = ’ , no’                                                     (2)                  

labels{9} = 'hat';                                 values{9,i} = ’a, no’                                                    (2)


Thus, all allowable combinations are in a discrete and finite 9D space.

However, after converting the ascii file containing the labels to matlab array format, simple analysis showed (as also expected by commonsense knowledge of the labels) that the distribution in this space is far from uniform:


Label space dims:2  4  5  3  2  2  2  2  2

Total size:3840

Out of which, nonzero elements:95

I.e. percentage of non-zero:0.02474


I.e.only 2.5% (95 cases) of all possible combinations exist in the training set, and as expected most combinations that could be excluded by commonsense are indeed not here (i.e. no women having beards).


Mislabelled data


However, obviously mislabelled data do exist, for example a woman having a moustache. Also, many allowable combinations simply happenned not to show up in the set: for example, there are no hispanic children here, which could well have existed.


Thus, if our goal is recognition in the real world, and we know the hard constraints of the world and are willing to hardcode them, we can either force the system not to take into account samples with incoherent label values, or treat the labels based on the prior probabilities of the possible solutions of their inconsistency (assuming single error etc.).


Else, we can let the system learn the allowable combinations based on what has seen: thus, it might mistakingly attach a small prior to women with moustaches, which will eventually flatten out with a large enough training set. And, before having seen a hispanic child, it might assume that no such a thing does not exist. Here, fortunately we can easily incorporate the fact that such a combination might arise in subsequent training data in a non-crisp probabilistic framework (for the case of online training or cumulatively trainable systems).


Unfortunately, subjectivity and operator errors enter the picture in labelling, too, and this is apparent if we consider for example the distinction between serious and smiling in this set, and futhermore (this was really problematic) what a beard really is!…


A fundamental choice: categories, partitioning & their distribution among classifiers


Here, a fundamental decision must take place. After excluding (or not) obviously incoherent combinations, how do we arrange the remaining allowable cases? Should we preserve the original 9D setting? Or should we just flatten them out in 1D? Or maybe repartition them in a different way? Is there anything to gain from this?


Let’s examine how classifiers enter the picture. Discriminative classifiers will dichotomise (or partition, in the multicategory case) the set of allowable outputs into subsets and will decide which subset is more probable (in the crisp version). In a less crisp case, they will attach a confidence value to each subset.  Generative models will give a confidence value that the input sample came from a specific subset of the allowable cases. If we have a dense enough arrangement of classifiers and/or models, in a suitable topology, we can get increasingly fine-grained in our decision and null down to the most probable single-element subset, leading us to a full answer. In general, we should evaluate all possible evidence given by our classifiers and the priors, and reach a decision, probably with an approach similar to a Bayes net. Their might even be cases when we are still coarse grained or inconfident, so we might be able to resample the world to get closer to a decision (i.e. ask a clarification question in dialogue, have a second or better look at a face in face recognition). Of course, here there’s only one training set, and that’s all.


The moral of the above is obvious: there are many possible repartitions, and arrangements of classifiers over these, and even cases of combining classifier outputs toward the final question. Also, “merging” and “splitting” of classifiers naturally enters the picture from the design point of view. So how can we be more specific?


Here, as this would be out of the scope of the project, we are not attempting to model the full problem, although it is highly interesting and relevant, and is definetely worth further theoretical and experimental investigation. So, we’ll just start with very simple things.


The full and marginalised priors


In our case, we have a simple arrangement of nine independent modules, operating across each of the nine natural dimensions, and thus getting down to single-element subset granularity. This topology might be at a disadvantage if the output of each module is crisp: we will be able to incorporate “marginalised” priors for the values of each dimension, but not the full priors of the 9D combinations! If the outputs of each module are probabilities, we can do a bit better, and reach the decision at a final stage after taking into account more information. This is a natural next step to possible extensions of this project.


Of course, all this depends on what our objective: if we want to maximise recognition rate as a whole, or the recognition rate of each individual module (where the full priors don’t enter the picture). Or we might even be counting single errors, double errors, wanting to consider loss functions etc.  Here, we’ll again choose the simplest to start with: minimum error rate for each individual dimension. But let’s have a look at the priors:


Below are the top ten cases of the training set, together with their priors:


1_15%_female-adult-white-smiling-no moustache-no beard-no glasses-no bandana-no hat-

2_12%_male-adult-white-serious-no moustache-no beard-no glasses-no bandana-no hat-

3_11%_male-adult-white-smiling-no moustache-no beard-no glasses-no bandana-no hat-

4_10%_female-adult-white-serious-no moustache-no beard-no glasses-no bandana-no hat-

5_7%_male-adult-white-serious-with moustache-no beard-no glasses-no bandana-no hat-

6_4%_male-adult-white-smiling-with moustache-no beard-no glasses-no bandana-no hat-

7_4%_female-teen-white-smiling-no moustache-no beard-no glasses-no bandana-no hat-

8_4%_male-child-white-serious-no moustache-no beard-no glasses-no bandana-no hat-

9_4%_male-child-white-smiling-no moustache-no beard-no glasses-no bandana-no hat-

10_3%_male-teen-white-smiling-no moustache-no beard-no glasses-no bandana-no hat-

The top 10 cases cover:74


Notice that we have covered almost 75% with the top 10, and the rest is covered by the remaining 85 cases. Also, notice how commonsense stereotypes have arisen: smiling white female adults, and serious white male adults dominate… J

Below are the full priors in descending order:


Figure 1: the full priors of the training set (roughly similar in test)


The marginalised priors follow:

Figure 2: the marginalised priors of the training set

Figure 3: the marginalised priors of the testing set.



Some obvious points to notice:

-         Every label except gender and expression has very imbalanced priors, much more for the last four. (high entropy).

-         There is considerable difference of the marginalised priors between the train and test sets, and so they are somewhat mismatched for recognition, even at a very fundamental level. Taking into account the size of the samples (2K), this difference seems significant statistically. Other evidence might also signal this; for example, mean face and eigenvector differences, or mutual recognition rates etc.

-         By the trivial classification rule of just choosing the value having the largest prior of the training set, we can get on the test set:


0.6398    0.8667    0.8512    0.5496    0.7876    0.9950    0.9960    0.9960    0.9900


which definetely are high percentages, and thus any results should be considered ABOVE this baseline…



Pairs of labels


By considering only pairs of labels, and their marginalised priors, we can gain some insight in combining outputs of pairs of classifiers (instead of going to the full 9D problems). For example, just by detecting zeros in the 2D priors, we can get automatised statements of the form:


Facts I know about the relation of_gender_with_beard:

-> Noone_with_female_gender_also_has_a_beard!-


And these might be worth exploiting, if for example we have a highly robust moustache classifier correcting a mediocre gender decision and vice versa, or even in more balanced cases given not highly overlapping errors. This argument can go a bit further (considering pairs again), and the mutual information of their priors shows such “inbalanced” cases that can easily be exploited (again depending on their individual classifier performance and matching). For pairs, we get:


Figure 4: mutual information of priors

(upper figure: color coded log of mutual, for pairs of labels,

lower figure: thresholding of the above)


It is thus apparent which pairs of features offer useful information about each other:

(1,5)=(gender, moustache) has the highest score, but also (expression, gender) etc.


Thus, if we don’t wanna consider the full priors, and maybe just have crisp-output independent classifiers, we can still exploit this information, as we will do later, albeit in a very superficial way.



Next page: Preprocessing & representations