DESI - Fall 2003 Projects
Past Guest entrepreneurs include:
Rich Fletcher &
Hasson with
First Mile Solutions
and United Villages - ppt. (to be updated soon...)
Vinod Khosla
Remitances and Diaspora::
Todito _epaid (Mexico)
Digital Diaspora Network, Latin America and Caribbean (DDN-LAC)
Other IT related social innvations are:
Innovative use of Smart ATM technology in financial service delivery in Bolivia
Small Tourism Enterprise Project (STEP)
Central and Satellite Agricultural Information Centers (AICs)
Drum Beat on Communication for Literacy
Vodacom's Community Services
>Phone Shops E-Commerce Initiative
First Intel Computer Clubhouse Launched in Arab Middle East
ITC's E-Choupal and Profitable Rural Transformation
IBM's KidSmart Early Learning Program
Nile Basin Regional Communication Center
Mayan Telecenter Network
HealthNet Uganda's Evolution from NGO to Sustainable Enterprise
Grameen Village Phone Uganda Project
Internet Village Motoman Project
Cyber Shepherd
Participatory 3-D Modeling (Community Mapping)
International Development Forum
Instructions for the one paragraph pitches are
Pitches and Venture Teams