Effects of Subliminal Conditioning
on Computer Program Users
by Hyemin Chung
Subliminal affective conditioning can affect and change the computer program users' responses to the programs.
Users do not recognize or report their changes of emotional status such as valence or arousal. Thus, we can guess that subliminal conditioning hardly affects the users' emotional states.
Even though, users' responses are different by their subliminal conditioning.
The users with negative subliminal conditioning reported more negative responses on the program and the experiment. The users with positive subliminal conditioning did not report any positive effects except one question of their good wills to participate the experiment again.
Thus, we can conclude that the negative effects are stronger than positive effects. However, positive conditioning might be able to make users willing to spend more time with a computer program and the experiment itself.
One more interesting result is about the relationship of increased cognitive load and decreased capacity.
Participants with subliminal conditioning showed lower correct answer ratio than participants without subliminal conditioning. It might be caused by increased cognitive load from subliminal conditioning. However, because the number of subjects was so small and the difference was slight, I'd like to shift the conclusion about this problem to the future research.